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Entries in Election '12 (107)


Poll: Ron Paul Holds Second Place In Iowa

Texas Representative Ron Paul is trailing GOP frontrunner Newt Gingrich in Iowa by just one point, according to a survey from Public Policy Polling.

Gingrich holds the top spot at 22 percent while Paul charts at 21 percent. Mitt Romney trails at 16 percent.

If Paul, a libertarian-leaning candidate with an energetic core of supporters, comes in first of second the Hawkeye state, it will likely be perceived as a major upset to Romney and may hurt the former Massachusetts Governor’s standing going into the New Hampshire Primary.

The poll was conducted between December 11th and 13th among 555 likely Republican caucus goers.


Candidates Graded On Their English

By Tim Young

ProEnglish, an organization whose goal is to “defend English’s historic role as America’s common, unifying language,” released a report card today showing where all of the current Presidential candidates stand on doing the same.

According to the report card, Ron Paul is the only candidate to receive an A for defending the language, Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich each received an A-, and no other candidate received above a C. 

Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry and President Barack Obama each received an F.

“We think that voters will be surprised, not only by the candidates who earned the top grades, but by those who scored the worst,” said ProEnglish Executive Director Robert Vandervoort.

The grades were based on six categories, ranging from the obvious things such as whether or not the candidate advocates English as the official language of the United States, to the not so obvious Puerto Rican Statehood.


Watch: 8-Year-Old Calls Out Bachmann On Gay Rights


In a viral video circulating on the web, an 8 year old boy, identified in the video as Elijah, called out  Presidential Candidate Michele Bachmann for her conservative gay rights views.

“My mommy — Miss Bachmann, my mommy’s gay but she doesn’t need fixing,” Elijah whispered to Bachmann at a book signing in South Carolina for her new book,”Core of Conviction: My Story,” after some coaxing from his mother.

Bachmann remained speechless and awkwardly watched the mother and son walk away.

Bachmann is a major proponent of banning same sex marriages. She has been quoted by the Human Rights campaign as saying, “If you’re involved in the gay and lesbian lifestyle, it’s bondage. It is personal bondage, personal despair and personal enslavement.”

Bachmann’s husband, Marcus, has also been called out for his Chrisitian Counseling Center that allegedly seeks to counsel gays to renounce their sexuality.


Ex-VP Quayle To Endorse Romney

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney will pick up a key endorsement Tuesday from former Vice President Dan Quayle. 

Romney, whose seen his numbers in recent polls skid with the emergence of Newt Gingrich, could not have picked a better time to pick up as influential an endorsement as Quayle.  

Quayle, who served as vice president under George H.W. Bush, is expected to announce his endorsement of Romney in Paradise Valley, Ariz. where he has a home. Quayle’s son, Rep. Ben Quayle (R-Ariz.), is a member of the Republican freshman class. 

Romney’s new endorsement comes just days after meeting with Bush senior, though sources have indicated that the meeting was just a “casual get-together,” according to reports.  


Georgia Gun Owners Take Aim At Gingrich

By Mike Hothi

Grassroots guns rights groups in Georgia blasted GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich today for supporting gun control laws during his time as Speaker of the House.

In a statement Monday, the group stated “Georgia Gun Owners know Newt’s history of gun control. He represented parts of our state for 20 years. He’s been playing both sides of the gun issue as long as we can remember.”

Prior to becoming Speaker, Gingrich had an “A” rating with Gun Owners of America (GOA). However, once he came to power the GOA dropped his rating to a “D.”

The activists said today that Gingrich spoke against more gun regulations despite supporting gun control legislation in the House.

Gingrich had stated, “as long as I am Speaker of this House, no gun control legislation is going to move in committee or on the floor of this House and there will be no further erosion of their rights.” However, Gingrich supported a gun control bill that stripped Second Amendment rights from citizens charged with misdemeanor domestic violence.

“Newt Gingrich is no friend of gun owners,” said the group. “I wish Georgia Gun Owners had a mountaintop to scream this information from.”

This criticism of Gingrich comes as he has achieved frontrunner status in Iowa less than a month away from the Iowa caucuses.

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