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Candidates Graded On Their English

By Tim Young

ProEnglish, an organization whose goal is to “defend English’s historic role as America’s common, unifying language,” released a report card today showing where all of the current Presidential candidates stand on doing the same.

According to the report card, Ron Paul is the only candidate to receive an A for defending the language, Michele Bachmann and Newt Gingrich each received an A-, and no other candidate received above a C. 

Jon Huntsman, Rick Perry and President Barack Obama each received an F.

“We think that voters will be surprised, not only by the candidates who earned the top grades, but by those who scored the worst,” said ProEnglish Executive Director Robert Vandervoort.

The grades were based on six categories, ranging from the obvious things such as whether or not the candidate advocates English as the official language of the United States, to the not so obvious Puerto Rican Statehood.

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