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Entries in Newt Gingrich (3)


Georgia Gun Owners Take Aim At Gingrich

By Mike Hothi

Grassroots guns rights groups in Georgia blasted GOP presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich today for supporting gun control laws during his time as Speaker of the House.

In a statement Monday, the group stated “Georgia Gun Owners know Newt’s history of gun control. He represented parts of our state for 20 years. He’s been playing both sides of the gun issue as long as we can remember.”

Prior to becoming Speaker, Gingrich had an “A” rating with Gun Owners of America (GOA). However, once he came to power the GOA dropped his rating to a “D.”

The activists said today that Gingrich spoke against more gun regulations despite supporting gun control legislation in the House.

Gingrich had stated, “as long as I am Speaker of this House, no gun control legislation is going to move in committee or on the floor of this House and there will be no further erosion of their rights.” However, Gingrich supported a gun control bill that stripped Second Amendment rights from citizens charged with misdemeanor domestic violence.

“Newt Gingrich is no friend of gun owners,” said the group. “I wish Georgia Gun Owners had a mountaintop to scream this information from.”

This criticism of Gingrich comes as he has achieved frontrunner status in Iowa less than a month away from the Iowa caucuses.


Poll: Gingrich Leads Romney By 9 Percent 

By Andrea Salazar

Newt Gingrich is leading the cluttered field GOP presidential candidates with 32 percent approval, a 9 percent margin over former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, according to the latest opinion poll by Majority Opinion Research/Poll Position.

Romney, the long-time front runner, stands at 23 percent, while pizza mogul Herman Cain rounds off the top three with 14 percent.

The poll, conducted over the phone on Nov. 27, surveyed 449 registered voters who said they would vote in the Republican primaries and has a 4 percent margin of error. It is the first poll conducted following the New Hampshire Union Leader’s endorsement of the former House Speaker. 

Unlike Texas Governor Rick Perry, whose numbers dipped after saying Americans who don’t support helping undocumented students go to college “don’t have a heart,” Gingrich’s popularity increased after calling for a “humane” immigration policy during the Nov. 22 GOP debate in Washington, D.C.

The latest poll also shows Gingrich with a lead of 32 percent among Independents. Ron Paul follows with 16 percent.


Gingrich To Obama: Take Some Time Off

Following resounding GOP victories in Tuesday’s elections, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) suggested that time away from the White House might do President Barack Obama some good.

The potential 2012 Republican Presidential candidate told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer on Thursday that the best thing Obama can do for himself would be to get out of Washington and reflect deeply upon his next two years in office.

“[The President] should take a vacation,” Gingrich said, adding that former President Ronald Reagan retreated to his ranch in Santa Barbara, California after presiding over significant Republican losses in the 1982 midterm election. The nation’s economy improved over the next two years under a split Congress, helping Reagan win reelection in 1984.

Coincidentally, Obama will embark tomorrow on a ten-day trip to discuss trade policy in India and Asia.