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Gingrich To Obama: Take Some Time Off

Following resounding GOP victories in Tuesday’s elections, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) suggested that time away from the White House might do President Barack Obama some good.

The potential 2012 Republican Presidential candidate told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer on Thursday that the best thing Obama can do for himself would be to get out of Washington and reflect deeply upon his next two years in office.

“[The President] should take a vacation,” Gingrich said, adding that former President Ronald Reagan retreated to his ranch in Santa Barbara, California after presiding over significant Republican losses in the 1982 midterm election. The nation’s economy improved over the next two years under a split Congress, helping Reagan win reelection in 1984.

Coincidentally, Obama will embark tomorrow on a ten-day trip to discuss trade policy in India and Asia.

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