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Obama Open To Compromise On Bush Tax Cuts

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs reaffirmed during a briefing with reporters today that the White House is considering working with the GOP on extending a series of Bush-era tax cuts before they expire at the end of this year.

“We’re certainly open to listening to their position…and working together to find a compromise,” Gibbs said.

Obama said during a post-election news conference on Wednesday that he would be willing to negotiate with Republicans on extending the cuts for wealthier Americans, a slight departure from his previous position of wanting to extend them for middle and low incomers only.

In addition, Gibbs said the White House is hoping that the Senate will use the upcoming lame-duck session of Congress to ratify the new START treaty between the U.S. and Russia, and confirm the President’s nominee to head up the Office of Management and Budget, Jack Lew.

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