Obama Goes Holiday Shopping
President Obama succeeded in taking care of some very urgent business on Wednesday.
No, he didn’t convince Congress to pass a payroll tax cut extension. But, he did do some holiday shopping for the rest of the First Family.
Needing to get out of the house, as his Press Secretary, Jay Carney, put it, Obama and First Dog Bo ventured out across the Potomac River to make some seasonal purchases.
During a roughly 50-minute trip around nearby Alexandria, Virginia, the President managed to hit Pet Smart and Best Buy, where he bought a large bone for Bo, and a couple video games and a pair of iTunes music gift cards for his daughters, Sasha and Malia. In all, the President spent about $235 at the two retailers.
Hungry from all the shopping, Obama concluded his brief expedition by patronizing a local pizzeria, where he emerged from afterwards with a trio of large pies.