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Entries in Election '12 (107)


Gingrich Claims "Supercommittee" Is Unconstitutional

By Gabrielle Pfafflin

GOP Presidential hopeful Newt Gingrich blasted the “supercommittee” Tuesday during an appearance at the Heritage Foundation. The Former House Speaker claimed that, by its nature, the 12 person committee tasked with finding $1.5 trillion in savings will act unconstitutionally.

“[The supercommittee] is a disaster in process, it’s a disaster in constitutional means, and it’s a disaster in solving our major problems,” Gingrich said.

Gingrich explained that it would allow 12 members of the entire Congress to decide fiscal solutions without input from the other 520 members of Congress. He added that he found it ridiculous to believe that one committee will succeed where 117 others could not.

Congress founded the “super committee” in the 11th hour debt deal that went through to raise the debt ceiling. If it fails to pass a proposal, then $1.2 trillion in cuts will be made equally among Defense and discretionary spending.


Jeb Bush Jr. Endorses Huntsman

The son of former Florida Governor Jeb Bush (R) will announce today that he is endorsing Jon Huntsman for President.

Huntsman, the former Governor of Utah, has been running anemically in the polls, and is hoping that the endorsement will inject some life into his campaign.

Jeb Bush, Jr., who endorsed Rudy Giuliani in 2007, will serve on Huntsman’s campaign and will work to help the candidate reach out to younger voters.

Click here to read more…

In other Bush-related news, Jeb Bush Sr. and former Federal Reserve Governor Kevin Warsh co-authored an op-ed in the Wall Street Journal today outlining their strategy to boost the nation’s struggling economy.

Click here to read the op-ed…

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