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Entries in Election '12 (107)


Perry Maintains Lead In New Poll

A new CNN/ORC poll out this morning shows Texas Governor Rick Perry leading the rest of the GOP presidential field by a healthy margin.

30% of the 1,038 voters that took part in the survey said they would support Perry. Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney (R) received 18% support while former Alaska Governor Sarah Palin received 15%. Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) was the only other candidate to register double-digits.

Eight candidates will square off against each other tonight in Tampa. The debate will begin at 8:00 pm and will be televised on CNN and its cable affiliates.

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Bachmann Visiting Iowa For College Football

Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is heading to Iowa on Saturday to attend college football festivities as part of her presidential campaign. 

Bachmann will be meeting up with State Senator Jack Whitver (R-Iowa) before the Iowa-Iowa State football game and will engage voters as she participates in tailgate activities at the East Stadium Gate at the Jack Trice Stadium.

Bachmann quickly gained support of voters when she entered the race back in June, reeling in a victory from the Ames Straw Poll in early August. Since then, however, her campaign has spiraled dowhnhill with her campaign manager, Ed Rollins, stepping down on September 4 and her ratings falling from 16 percent to 8 percent according to the latest NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll. 


Bachmann Campaign Manager Steps Down

Rep. Michele Bachmann’s campaign manager, Ed Rollins, will step down from his day-to-day responsibilities.

According Rollins and a statement released by the Bachmann campaign Monday, Rollins’ move to step down was made based on health reasons.

The 64-year-old political adviser said Monday on CNN’s AC360 that after having survived a stroke, “I ust don’t have the endurance to do 12-14 hour days, seven days a week, anymore.”

Roillins, who also worked on former President Ronald Reagan’s campaign, said that the entrance of Texas Governor Rick Perry has had its effect on the Bachmann campaign.

“It took a lot of the momentum that we could have gotten out of the straw poll victory,” Rollins said of Perry’s entrance.

Rollins said Bachmann stands in the GOP’s number 3 spot behind Romney and Perry.


Obama's Ratings Slip In New Polls

A new Washington Post-ABC News poll shows that 53% of voters surveyed disapprove on some degree of the  job President Obama is doing as President.

According to the poll, 38% strongly disapprove of Obama’s job performance, compared to just 21% who strongly approve.

The same poll taken four months ago revealed that just 38% disapproved of the President’s performance.

In a separate poll performed by the Wall Street Journal and NBC News, Obama fares little better, with only 44 percent approval and 51 percent disapproval, the highest since he assumed office.

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Santorum Calls Obama Less Than Incompetent

2012 GOP presidential candidate and former U.S. Senator Rick Santorum (R-Pa.) unleashed a harsh criticism of President Obama in response to Friday’s jobs report.

Here’s Santorum’s full statement:

“This morning’s jobs report is another sad sign that President Obama’s economic policies would need to improve dramatically to even be described as incompetent. For three years, in speech after speech, the President has claimed to be focused on the American worker, but month after month and report after report shows the opposite.  So either, the President’s economic policies are killing this economy or his lack of leadership - either way, President Obama is to blame. Employers need certainty and freedom to expand and that what my jobs plan would do.”