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Entries in Iowa (3)


Bachmann Visiting Iowa For College Football

Republican Presidential candidate Michele Bachmann is heading to Iowa on Saturday to attend college football festivities as part of her presidential campaign. 

Bachmann will be meeting up with State Senator Jack Whitver (R-Iowa) before the Iowa-Iowa State football game and will engage voters as she participates in tailgate activities at the East Stadium Gate at the Jack Trice Stadium.

Bachmann quickly gained support of voters when she entered the race back in June, reeling in a victory from the Ames Straw Poll in early August. Since then, however, her campaign has spiraled dowhnhill with her campaign manager, Ed Rollins, stepping down on September 4 and her ratings falling from 16 percent to 8 percent according to the latest NBC/ Wall Street Journal poll. 


Santorum To Run In 2012? reports that former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum has formed a Political Action Committee in Iowa to help candidates running in that state.

Though Santorum has not officially thrown in his hat for a 2012 presidential run, many are taking notice at the formation of this committee because it is often an early sign.  The creation of a PAC in Iowa gets people in the caucus state interested in the candidates and there are no limits on monetary contributions.

Santorum has made several visits to Iowa in the past year and will return next week for more events.


Iowa Dam Fails, Destroys 200 Structures

At least 200 structures have been destroyed and 1,100 damaged after a dam on an eastern Iowa lake failed. The dam failed due to massive rain Saturday and Gov. Chet Culver said that 10 inches of rain had recently fallen in a 12-hour period. No injuries were reported.