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Entries in Election '12 (107)


Bachmann To Obama: No More Speeches

2012 GOP presidential candidate Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) said today’s jobs report means President Obama must do more to grow the economy.

Bachmann criticized Obama for making another speech on the need to create jobs.

Here’s her full statement:

“Mr. President - we gave you $2.4 trillion in new spending and the American people got nothing in return. Today’s jobs report showing that the economy created no jobs in the last month and unemployment at 9.1 percent is further evidence that President Obama’s failed economic policies are not working and have completely stalled job growth. After spending three days last month on a bus tour focusing on jobs - today’s economic report shows that the nation’s economy is sitting at a huge stop sign. Before his vacation, the President gave us a speech about a jobs speech; the American people don’t need speeches, they need jobs.

“It’s time for a comprehensive restructuring of how Washington spends taxpayers’ dollars by controlling spending and encouraging pro-growth economic policies. Mr. President - it’s time to stop digging our country further into debt - it’s time to build a solid foundation for sustainable economic growth to restore certainty for the American people and the markets.”


Poll: Perry Leads Obama

Presidential hopeful Rick Perry leads President Barack Obama in a new 2012 poll.

According to Rasmussen Reports, the President trails the Texas Governor 41 percent to 44 percent.

The new poll represents Perry’s continuing surge in popularity. Just last week a similar survey from Rasmussen charted the President with a 3 point lead.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney, Perry’s fellow frontrunner amid the GOP field, falls behind the President 39 percent to 43 percent. Likewise, all other Republican contenders falter in a matchup with the President.

The poll was based on interviews with 1,000 likely voters between August 23-20th. The full report can be seen here.


FreedomWorks, Tea Party Express At Odds Over Romney

The Tea Party Express and FreedomWorks are in the middle of a political scuffle after news broke that FreedomWorks was planning on protesting GOP presidential candidate Mitt Romney’s appearance at a Tea Party Express rally in Concord, N.H. 

FreedomWorks, a conservative group with close ties to the Tea Party movement, is now experiencing a backlash from its conservative ally. The Tea Party Express said in a statement released Wednesday that “it’s just silly to protest a tea party where Governor Romney is speaking.”

“Narrow mindedness is not the way to strengthen the tea party movement,” the statement reads. “We view this move by FreedomWorks at best as a misguided press stunt, and are disappointed at the disingenuous approach taken after we have make every effort to be inclusive and accommodating on our bus tour.”


Poll: Obama In Dead Heat With GOP Frontrunners  

In hypothetical 2012 matchups, President Barack Obama appears to be in a dead heat with the Republican party’s two frontrunners.

According to a poll from Quinnipiac University, former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney ties the President while Texas Governor Rick Perry trails Obama by just three points.

The poll also found that if given a generic 2012 Presidential ballot, Republicans and Democrats tie 38-38 percent.

The survey was conducted among 2,730 registered voters between August 16th and 27th. 

Full data can be found here.


Romney To Take Swipe At Perry

GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney will go on the attack against the man who seems to have supplanted him as the party’s frontrunner for next year’s nomination, Texas Governor Rick Perry.

In a speech he’ll give today at this year’s Veterans of Foreign Wars conference in San Antonio, Romney will accuse Perry of being too detached from the private sector.

“I am a conservative businessman. I have spent most of my life outside of politics, dealing with real problems in the real economy,” Romney will say, according to prepared remarks released by his campaign. “Career politicians got us into this mess and they simply don’t know how to get us out!”

Perry has stolen Romney’s thunder of late, outpacing him in a series of recent national polls.

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