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Entries in Election '12 (107)


Cain: I'll Get The Black Vote

GOP presidential candidate Herman Cain said Monday night that he thinks at least a third of black voters would support him in a general election matchup against President Barack Obama.

Cain made the declaration during an interview with Greta Van Susteren on Fox News.

“I am confident, based upon black people that I run into, black people that used to call my radio show, black people that have signed up on my Web site to support me — I believe, quite frankly, that my campaign, I will garner a minimum of a third of the black vote in this country, and possibly more.”

Click here to watch the interview…


Carville Stings Tea Party

Democratic strategist James Carville called out the Tea Party on Monday in an effort to raise some last-minute money for House Democrats.

In a fundraising memo released this morning, the “Ragin Cajun” called Tea Partiers “global-warming-denying, Social-Security-cutting, clean-air-hating, job-cutting, [and] Wall-Street-protecting.”

“That’s why I’m asking you to drop whatever you’re doing right now and support Democrats’ $1 Million Rapid Response Action Fund before the big FEC deadline hits,” Carville wrote, referring to the end of the current fiscal quarter on Friday.


Palin’s PAC Teases Presidential Run

Sarah Palin’s political action committee, SarahPAC, sent out a fundraising message Wednesday evening implying that the former Alaska Governor could soon be entering the 2012 race.

According to a letter obtained and reported on by the Des Moines Register, SarahPAC’s Treasurer says that Palin is “on the verge” and is urging her supporters to show their financial support.

“Someone must save our nation from this road to European socialism,” the letter states. “Do you think it should be Gov. Palin.”

Rumors of a Presidential run have swirled around Palin since the end of the 2008 election and within recent weeks Palin has stated that she will decide by the end of September. However, during a recent appearance on Fox News, she stated that she may push that deadline.


Poll: Obama Lags In The Sunshine State

As the 2012 election season unfolds, President Barack Obama is off to a rocky start in Florida.

According to a new poll from Quinnipiac University, 57 percent of the state’s voters disapprove of the President’s performance, while only 39 percent approve.

In addition, only 41 percent of the state’s voters say the President deserves re-election and 53 percent say he does not.

Obama’s poor showing is matched by improving numbers for GOP frontrunner Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. In a 2012 matchup, Obama holds a diminishing lead over the Texas governor with 42-44 percent, a shift from his wider 44 to 39 percent lead in early August . If going up against Romney, Obama lags by 47 to 40 percent, a similar decline from the previous poll, which put the two in a 44 to 44 percent tie.

Currently, Perry outshines Romney in the sunshine state by 28 to 22 percent. However, if Sarah Palin confirms that she will not enter the 2012 race, Perry stands to garner more support. An exit from the former Alaska Governor sees Perry’s lead jump to 31 to 22 percent.

The poll was conducted among 1,007 registered Florida voters between September 14th and the 19th.


Romney Way Ahead In New Hampshire

2012 GOP presidential hopeful Mitt Romney leads the rest of the Republican field by a wide margin in New Hampshire, according to a new poll conducted jointly by Suffolk University and WHDH TV.

Romney, the former Governor of Massachusetts who also ran for president in 2008, has a 27-point lead over his nearest rival, Texas Congressman Ron Paul.

With strong ties to the New England area, Romney is expected to win New Hampshire, a key primary state next year. Romney (41%), Paul (14%) and former Utah Governor Jon Huntsman (10%) were the only candidates to receive double-digit support from voters who took part in the survey.

Just 8% of those who were polled said they preferred the presumptive frontrunner in the race, Texas Governor Rick Perry.

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