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Entries in Election '12 (107)


Obama And Christie Polling Neck And Neck

As cries for Chris Christie to enter the White House grow louder, a hypothetical matchup between the New Jersey Governor and Barack Obama shows that it could be a very close race.

According to Rasmussen Reports, Obama would garner 44 percent of the vote, whereas Christie would take 43 percent. This includes a 3 percent margin of error.

Christie has maintained that he will not enter the race. However, speculation continues to build, fueled by a recent high-profile speech from the Governor at the Ronald Reagan Presidential libray and statements from former New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean, who told the National Journal earlier this week that Christie was seriously considering a run.

The poll was conducted among 1,000 likely voters between September 28th and 29th.


Rove Softens Stance On Perry's Social Security Position

Republican strategist Karl Rove seemed to back away Tuesday night from his recent criticism of Texas Governor Rick Perry for describing Social Security as a ponzi scheme.

In an interview with Fox News’ Sean Hannity, Rove said he would personally characterize the benefit program for seniors in a different way, but added, “I’m not adverse to the use of Ponzi scheme.”

He went on to clarify his view on Perry’s use of the term, which connotes an illegal investment operation.

“I wouldn’t use it, because a Ponzi scheme is a deliberately criminal enterprise, but I get what he’s talking about when he says a Ponzi scheme, which is unsustainable.”

During an appearance on ABC’s Good Morning America earlier this month, Rove said that for Perry, explaining his controversial description of Social Security would be his “biggest challenge” in his quest for the GOP nomination.

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Christie Addressing Reagan Library Amid Renewed 2012 Buzz

New Jersey Governor Chris Christie is scheduled to deliver a speech on American exceptionalism at the Reagan Presidential Library Tuesday evening.

The speech comes amid an uptick in chatter over a possible late-entry for Christie in the GOP primary. Following Texas Governor Rick Perry’s last lackluster debate performance, many in the party have renewed calls for Christie to jump into the field.

Christie has adamantly maintained that he will not be running in 2012. However, former New Jersey Governor Tom Kean told the National Journal Monday that Christie is seriously mulling a run.

“I think the odds are a lot better now than they were a couple weeks ago,” Kean said.


Obama Advisor Notes Difficult Road Ahead

Former White House Advisor David Axelrod said this morning that it will be a “titanic struggle” to get President Obama re-elected next year.

The Boston Globe reports that Axelrod, who spoke to an audience of roughly 200 on the campus of Saint Anselm College in New Hampshire, acknowledged the challenges that Obama faces — notably, a flat-lining economy and a high jobless rate.

“We don’t have the wind at our backs this election,” Axelrod said.

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Perry Still Standing After Poor Debate Performance

Although his performance in last week’s GOP debate was widely panned, Rick Perry hasn’t seen a heavy drop in the polls.

According to a new CNN/ORC poll, the Texas Governor continues to sit atop the GOP field, leading former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney 28 to 21 percent, and in a Rasmussen Reports poll, the margin between him and Obama has not grown since last Thursday. The President maintains a six point lead among likely voters.

Despite evidence of a strong drop in national support, Perry’s lackluster appearance alongside the rest of the Republican field has cast doubt among large Republican donors, with many scrambling for an alternative candidate, such as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

The CNN/ORC poll was conducted September 23-25 among 1,010 adults and the Rasmussen poll was conducted among 1,000 likely voters on the evenings of September 22nd and the 23rd.