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Perry Still Standing After Poor Debate Performance

Although his performance in last week’s GOP debate was widely panned, Rick Perry hasn’t seen a heavy drop in the polls.

According to a new CNN/ORC poll, the Texas Governor continues to sit atop the GOP field, leading former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney 28 to 21 percent, and in a Rasmussen Reports poll, the margin between him and Obama has not grown since last Thursday. The President maintains a six point lead among likely voters.

Despite evidence of a strong drop in national support, Perry’s lackluster appearance alongside the rest of the Republican field has cast doubt among large Republican donors, with many scrambling for an alternative candidate, such as New Jersey Governor Chris Christie.

The CNN/ORC poll was conducted September 23-25 among 1,010 adults and the Rasmussen poll was conducted among 1,000 likely voters on the evenings of September 22nd and the 23rd.

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