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Entries by Geoff Holtzman (251)


Fifteen Senate Seats Are In Play, Says Obama

In a fundraising email sent out Monday on behalf of the Democratic Senatorial Campaign Committee (DSCC), President Barack Obama acknowledges that a higher number of Senate seats than most are predicting are up for grabs this November.

“I’m counting on the DSCC to win the 15 Senate seats still up for grabs over these last 15 days,” Obama says. The President then calls on supporters to donate as much as they can before this coming Thursday.

Meanwhile, the non-partisan Cook Report is categorizing only eleven Senate races as being “toss-ups.”


GOP Candidate Making Headlines For Remarks On Homosexuality

Colorado Republican Senate nominee Ken Buck is earning national attention for comments he made on yesterday’s ‘Meet The Press’ program.

Buck, a conservative lawyer who has been embraced by the Tea Party, told host David Gregory that he believes being gay is a choice, but added that birth can also factor into whether or not a person is homosexual.

“You can choose who your partner is,” said Buck. “I think that birth has an influence, like alcoholism and some other things…but I think that, basically, you have a choice.”

Whether Buck’s comparison between gays and alcoholics was intended or not, Gregory peppered him on it. Buck then attempted to distance himself from the comment, saying “I wasn’t talking about being gay as a disease…I don’t think that at all.”

According to the polling website Real Clear Politics, Buck currently leads his opponent, incumbent Democrat Michael Bennet, by two points. Click here for more…


State Department Decries Anti-Muslim Rhetoric

During an interfaith panel discussion hosted by Catholic University today, State Deparment Special Envoy Hannah Rosenthal warned against the perils of allowing Americans to unreasonably suspect Muslims of wrongdoing.

Rosenthal said that the 9/11 attacks increased hostility toward U.S. Muslims, and cautioned non-Muslim Americans to be on the lookout for discrimination.

“When Americans view Muslims with suspicion just because they are Muslims, this must be challenged. Our country was founded on the precepts that all human beings have inherent dignity and rights and that they are innocent until proven guilty. This is being turned on its head in the Muslim intolerance we are seeing,” she said. “People may hold bad ideas and intolerant thoughts, and may express them. But we hope others will use their right to freedom of expression to condemn and confront such bad speech.”

Click here for more…


Fisher Enlisting Star Power In Ohio Senate Race

I just received an email from none other than Martin Sheen, urging me to support Ohio Democratic Senate candidate Lee Fisher. Fisher, the state’s Lieutenant Governor, is badly trailing his opponent, former U.S. Republican Rep. Rob Portman.

“I strongly believe we need Lee Fisher in the U.S. Senate. He stands for the working people of this state and is committed to bringing jobs to Ohioans while protecting health care reform, Social Security, and unemployment insurance,” said Sheen in a statement. “Congressman Portman is absolutely the wrong choice. He supports big businesses at the expense of Ohio jobs and thinks being Senator is nothing more than a stepping stone for higher office.”

Sheen, an Ohio native who starred for years on NBC’s ‘The West Wing,’ also accuses Portman of viewing the Senate seat as a stepping stone to running for President in 2016…


Gay Veterans Group Calls DOJ Appeal "Disappointing"

A prominent national gay rights advocacy group is lamenting the Obama administration’s decision to appeal a federal judge’s ruling banning the Pentagon from enforcing its ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ policy.

“This request from the Obama administration asking Judge Phillips to stay her own injunction was expected, but it is nevertheless disappointing in light of the president’s claim that ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ harms national security and impairs military readiness,” said Alexander Nicholson, Executive Director of Servicemembers United.