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Entries by Geoff Holtzman (251)


Obama To Stump For Coons In Delaware

President Barack Obama will travel to Wilmington, Delaware on Friday to campaign for Democratic Senate candidate Chris Coons. According to a new Monmouth University poll, Coons currently leads his opponent, Christine O’Donnell (R), by almost 20 points…


Republicans Skeptical Of Drilling Announcement

A pair of House Republicans released statements today questioning the sincerity of the Obama administration’s intentions to allow oil companies to resume drilling in the Gulf Coast.

“Today’s announcement does nothing to address the uncertainty that has caused thousands of people to lose their jobs in the energy industry,” said Rep. Steve Scalise (R-La.) said. “Until they lay out a clear path toward the issuing of new drilling permits, the Obama administration continues to send the message that they’ve established a ‘permitorium’ that denies people the ability to go back to work even if they’re complying with increased safety standards.”

“They claim their arbitrary, job-killing deepwater ban is being lifted, yet promise only to look at applications to resume drilling and vaguely threaten unknown new regulations in the future,” added Rep. Doc Hastings (R-Wash.).

Meanwhile, Lousiana Senator Mary Landrieu (D), said today’s announcement would not alter her decision to  block President Obama’s nominee to head up the Office of Management and Budget, Jack Lew.

“I am not going to release my hold on Jack Lew,” she added. “Instead, I will take this time to look closely at how BOEM is handling the issuing of permits and whether or not drilling activity in both shallow and deep water is resuming. When Congress reconvenes for the lame duck session next month, I will have had several weeks to evaluate if today’s lifting of the moratorium is actually putting people back to work.”


Judge Orders End To 'Don't Ask Don't Tell'

CNN is reporting that a federal judge in California has instructed the U.S. Department of Defense to ground its ‘Don’t Ask Don’t Tell’ policy, which prohibts homosexuals from serving openly in the military. The Department of Justice is expected to appeal the judge’s decision…


McMahon Puts Smack Down On Blumenthal Over Vietnam Claims

The Hill reports that Connecticut Republican Senate candidate Linda McMahon has produced an ad blasting her opponent, Attorney General Richard Blumentha (D), over statements he made earlier this year about his record of service during the Vietnam War.

Click here to watch the ad.


Coburn Signs Term Limit Petition

Republican Senator Tom Coburn (Okla.) has attached his name to a pledge aimed at limiting the number of years that lawmakers would be allowed to serve in Congress. Coburn and other interest groups want the pledge to become an amendment, which, if passed, would would limit House members to three consecutive two year terms in office and Senators to two consecutive six year terms.

Read more about this by clicking here.