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Entries by Geoff Holtzman (251)


Backers Of Healthcare Lawsuit Score First Victory

A federal district judge in Florida ruled today that a multi-state challenge to the healthcare reform law that passed in March can proceed. Reuters broke the news this afternoon that the ruling handed down by Judge Roger Vinson stated that 20 states can continue with their lawsuit against the landmark law…


Fiorina Creeps Closer To Boxer In California Race

Republican Carly Fiorina is within striking distance of incumbent Democratic Senator Barbara Boxer, according to new polling data out today. The Real Clear Politics average shows Boxer leading her challenger by just over three percentage points in her race to get re-elected. However, the same average taken less than two weeks ago showed Boxer with a nearly seven point lead…


More Afghans Breaking With Taliban, Says Clinton

U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told ABC’s ‘Good Morning America’ today that more Afghans are leaving the Taliban and reintegrating into society.

“I am increasingly convinced that many of the lower-level Taliban, young men who frankly went to fight for the Taliban because they got paid more than they could make anywhere else, I believe that they are, in increasing numbers, laying down their arms and coming back into society,” Clinton told Robin Roberts during a live interview in Brussels, where Clinton is participating in a NATO meeting.

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D.C. Schools Chief Resigns

Michelle Rhee, Chancellor of the District of Columbia’s public school system for the past three years, announced her official resignation today.

In a statement posted on her new website, Rhee affirmed her support for the city’s likely next mayor, current city council chair Vincent Gray (D), and praised her interim replacement, deputy schools chief Kaya Henderson.

Rhee pledged that many of the reforms she initiated during her tenure would be carried out under the Gray administration.

“The best way to keep the reforms going,” she said, “is for this reformer to step aside.”

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Cantor Calls For Permanent Ban On Earmarks

In an editorial on Politico’s website today, the number two Republican in the House says  his party must propose a permanent prohibition on earmarks.

Eric Cantor (R-Va.), the Republican Whip who could ascend to Majority Leader if the GOP wins control of the House this November, says Republicans must be ready to lead by example should they take back the majority this fall.

“The next Republican Conference should immediately move to eliminate earmarks. Should Republicans be elected as the majority party, I believe that we should extend the moratorium to the entire House – to Democrats and Republicans alike. And I encourage President Barack Obama and the White House to take a similar step.”

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