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Fisher Enlisting Star Power In Ohio Senate Race

I just received an email from none other than Martin Sheen, urging me to support Ohio Democratic Senate candidate Lee Fisher. Fisher, the state’s Lieutenant Governor, is badly trailing his opponent, former U.S. Republican Rep. Rob Portman.

“I strongly believe we need Lee Fisher in the U.S. Senate. He stands for the working people of this state and is committed to bringing jobs to Ohioans while protecting health care reform, Social Security, and unemployment insurance,” said Sheen in a statement. “Congressman Portman is absolutely the wrong choice. He supports big businesses at the expense of Ohio jobs and thinks being Senator is nothing more than a stepping stone for higher office.”

Sheen, an Ohio native who starred for years on NBC’s ‘The West Wing,’ also accuses Portman of viewing the Senate seat as a stepping stone to running for President in 2016…

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