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Entries by Geoff Holtzman (251)


Boehner: Obama Is In Denial

Soon-to-be House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) said Thursday that he isn’t sure whether President Barack Obama understands what voters were tellng him earlier this week when they elected an overwhelming number of Republicans to office.

Boehner told ABC News’ Diane Sawyer that “there seems to be some denial on the part of the president and other Democratic leaders of the message that was sent by the American people.”

Obama’s reaction to big GOP gains in Tuesday’s elections, said Boehner, reflects his view that Americans have not flat-out rejected his handling of the country so far in office.

“When you have the most historic election in over 60, 70 years, you would think the other party would understand that the American people have clearly repudiated the policies they’ve put forward in the last few years,” Boehner said.

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Obama Open To Compromise On Bush Tax Cuts

Press Secretary Robert Gibbs reaffirmed during a briefing with reporters today that the White House is considering working with the GOP on extending a series of Bush-era tax cuts before they expire at the end of this year.

“We’re certainly open to listening to their position…and working together to find a compromise,” Gibbs said.

Obama said during a post-election news conference on Wednesday that he would be willing to negotiate with Republicans on extending the cuts for wealthier Americans, a slight departure from his previous position of wanting to extend them for middle and low incomers only.

In addition, Gibbs said the White House is hoping that the Senate will use the upcoming lame-duck session of Congress to ratify the new START treaty between the U.S. and Russia, and confirm the President’s nominee to head up the Office of Management and Budget, Jack Lew.


Gingrich To Obama: Take Some Time Off

Following resounding GOP victories in Tuesday’s elections, former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R) suggested that time away from the White House might do President Barack Obama some good.

The potential 2012 Republican Presidential candidate told Fox News’ Bill Hemmer on Thursday that the best thing Obama can do for himself would be to get out of Washington and reflect deeply upon his next two years in office.

“[The President] should take a vacation,” Gingrich said, adding that former President Ronald Reagan retreated to his ranch in Santa Barbara, California after presiding over significant Republican losses in the 1982 midterm election. The nation’s economy improved over the next two years under a split Congress, helping Reagan win reelection in 1984.

Coincidentally, Obama will embark tomorrow on a ten-day trip to discuss trade policy in India and Asia.


Pence Resigns Leadership Position

Rep. Mike Pence (R-Ind.) announced today that he is stepping down from his position as Chairman of the House Republican Conference. In a letter to his GOP colleagues, Pence said he had achieved his goal of helping Republicans take control of the House, and felt that the timing was right to resign.

“Now that we have restored a Republican majority to the House of Representatives and I have fulfilled my commitment to the Republican Conference, my family and I have begun to look to the future.”

There is speculation that Pence is considering running for either President or Governor of Indiana in 2012. Meanwhile, Rep. Jeb Hensarling (R-Texas) is considered a top candidate to replace Pence as the number three Republican in the House.


Blunt Trounces Carnahan In Mizzou

Republican Rep. Roy Blunt cruised to victory in his Senate race against Democrat Robin Carnahan in Missouri. Blunt will succeed longtime GOP Senator Christopher “Kit” Bond…