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Entries in Republicans (4)


Carney Doesn't See Job Growth In GOP Jobs Plan

By Mike Hothi

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney criticized Republicans today for not putting forward a plan that would help create jobs.

“It is unfortunate but true that though the Republicans have put forward economic plans, they have not put forward a plan that would in any way have a measurably positive impact on economic growth or job creation over the next 12 to 18 months,” Carney told reporters aboard Air Force One.

The Senate Republican plan Carney was referring to includes a combination of tax cuts, a moratorium on new regulations, an end to restrictions on off-shore oil exploration, a repeal of President Obama’s healthcare law and a balanced budget amendment to the Constitution.

But Carney remains optimistic that the Senate will take up the President’s jobs bill. “We are confident that Senator Reid will be able to say something about the scheduling of a vote in the relatively near future.”

Last week, Senate Democrats failed to get enough votes to move Obama’s jobs bill to a final vote. Now, it looks as though the Senate will break up the bill and vote on it piece by piece. The first component that could see action would involve keeping public educators on the job.

“That is our expectation, that the first measure will be teachers,” Carney said.

That measure, valued at roughly $35 billion, would also help states keep first responders on the job.


Pelosi: Obama's Done His Part, Now It's Congress' Turn

Soon after President Obama presented his American Jobs Act to Congress on Monday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) followed suit and released the following statement urging fellow members of Congress to schedule immediate action and hearings on the President’s legislation:

“President Obama has done his part: soon sending the American Jobs Act to Congress to create jobs, strengthen small businesses, rebuild America, and grow our economy now. We must take up and pass this legislation without further delay.

“For more than 250 days in the majority, House Republicans have failed to offer a jobs agenda. They now have the opportunity to change course, to pass the American Jobs Act, and to put people to work. 

“Our nation’s families, workers, entrepreneurs, teachers, police officers, firefighters and veterans must not and cannot wait any longer; they cannot afford political gamesmanship.  Democrats are prepared to act now on the American Jobs Act, which is fully paid for. Republicans must join us to address the American people’s top priority: job creation.”


Obama Calls GOP ‘Pledge’ A Joke

Toward the end of a live interview this morning with ‘Today Show’ host Matt Lauer, President Barack Obama responded to a new plan put out last week by House Republicans.

“What I’m seeing out of the Republican leadership over the last several years has been a set of policies that are just irresponsible,” Obama said. “And we saw in their ‘Pledge to America’ a similar set of irresponsible policies.”

The ‘Pledge,’ an outline of policies Republicans would attempt to implement should their party win back Congress this fall, was met with a fair amount of skepticism last week, even by some Republicans, who called the document heavy on rhetoric but light on details.

Republicans, said Obama, “say they want to balance the budget…they propose $4 trillion worth of tax cuts and $16 billion in spending cuts, and then they say we’re going to somehow magically balance the budget. That’s not a serious approach.”


Pelosi Blames GOP For Lackluster Job Numbers

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) just released the following statement regarding a report showing the unemployment rate remained at 9.5% during the month of July:

“This jobs report shows private employers and businesses taking the lead in our economic recovery — and a sharp turnaround from the 700,000 jobs per month lost under President Bush — despite Congressional Republicans fighting against the economic recovery every step of the way.”

“Today’s report shows our teachers, police officers, firefighters, and nurses are still feeling the worst of the Bush recession — while Republican leaders demean them as ‘special interests’ and try to block legislation that will grow our economy.  Democrats will return next week to save or create hundreds of thousands of jobs for our teachers, nurses, firefighters and police officers — and close loopholes that allow corporations to ship American jobs overseas.‪”