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Entries in firefighters (2)


Obama Scolds GOP After Jobs Bill Provision Stalls

By Adrianna McGinley

The Senate blocked a $35 billion piece of the American Jobs Act Thursday night aimed at putting teachers and first responders back to work, but the President says he’s not done trying. 

“Our fight isn’t over,” Obama said in a statement Thursday. “We will keep working with Congress to bring up the American Jobs Act piece by piece, and give Republicans another chance to put country before party.”

In a 50-50 vote Thursday, far short of the 60 votes needed to break a filibuster, every Senate Republican and three Democrats voted against the legislation that would delegate billions to states and local governments to hire teachers and first responders. 

“That’s unacceptable,” Obama said. “Every Senate Republican voted to block a bill that would help middle class families and keep hundreds of thousands of firefighters on the job, police officers on the streets, and teachers in the classroom … Those Americans deserve an explanation as to why they don’t deserve those jobs.”


Pelosi: Obama's Done His Part, Now It's Congress' Turn

Soon after President Obama presented his American Jobs Act to Congress on Monday, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) followed suit and released the following statement urging fellow members of Congress to schedule immediate action and hearings on the President’s legislation:

“President Obama has done his part: soon sending the American Jobs Act to Congress to create jobs, strengthen small businesses, rebuild America, and grow our economy now. We must take up and pass this legislation without further delay.

“For more than 250 days in the majority, House Republicans have failed to offer a jobs agenda. They now have the opportunity to change course, to pass the American Jobs Act, and to put people to work. 

“Our nation’s families, workers, entrepreneurs, teachers, police officers, firefighters and veterans must not and cannot wait any longer; they cannot afford political gamesmanship.  Democrats are prepared to act now on the American Jobs Act, which is fully paid for. Republicans must join us to address the American people’s top priority: job creation.”