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Entries in Jobs (7)


Reid On GOP: They Talk The Talk, Can't Walk The Walk

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) said Thursday that Republican lawmakers talk the talk, but don’t walk the walk when it comes to creating jobs.

“My Republican colleagues certainly pay lip service to the unemployment crisis in this country, but in the end actions speak louder than words,” Reid said.

Reid blasted lawmakers who opposed the president’s jobs plan and argued that they join the majority of Americans who support the provisions included in the legislation.

“Americans couldn’t care less who proposed the plan or who gets the credit,” Reid said. “The only thing they care about is that Congress gets to work putting them back to work.”


RNC Chair Tags Obama As "Campaigner-In-Chief"

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus tagged President Obama as “Campaigner-in-Chief” Tuesday during a conference call previewing the president’s upcoming travel plans to publicize his American Jobs Act.

“He loves campaigning, he loves raising money, he loves giving big speeches because that’s what he’s good at,” Priebus said. “But, he’s not good at following through on his promises and getting this economy back on the rails.”

The RNC Chair was critical of the cities Obama selected to visit - Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia - and argued that they were selected because they are battleground states for the 2012 presidential election.

Additionally, while Obama has continued to assure Congress and the public that his jobs bill is paid for, the RNC chair argued that these claims are fraudulent and said that Obama has yet to offer a credible method of paying for the $447 billion bill, legislation Priebus calls “Stimulus 2.”


Van Hollen Blasts Boehner’s Economic Plan

A top Democrat in the House released a statement today assailing House Minority Leader John Boehner’s (R-Ohio) proposal to fix the economy.

“One of the key pieces of the Washington Republican agenda is repealing the remaining funds of the Recovery Act. This plan will terminate over 60,000 contracts and awards and extinguish more than $200 billion in economic activity at a critical moment. The result will be to put the brakes on the fragile recovery, kill thousands of new jobs, and create massive new uncertainty when the economy needs stability,” said Rep. Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.).

“Repealing this funding – which has created millions of jobs and brought our economy back from the brink of collapse – would mean taking contracts and grants back from small businesses and other entities that will use it to create jobs, rebuild our infrastructure, and provide necessary services. It will also put on the chopping block millions of dollars to support injured veterans,” Van Hollen added.


Powell: Obama Must Focus More On Jobs

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell told NBC’s ‘Meet The Press’ on Sunday that the man he endorsed in 2008, President Barack Obana, is losing the confidence of voters.

“I think he has lost some of his ability to connect during the campaign. It’s not just me picking on the president, it’s reflected in the polling,” Powell said. “Some of the anxiety and anger that you see out there, I think, comes from a belief on the part of the American people — whether it’s correct or incorrect, and the White House would say it’s incorrect — that not enough attention (is being paid to jobs) … his singular focus should be on unemployment.”


No Hint Of Compromise In Boehner Op-Ed 

In an editorial published today by Politico, House Minority Leader John Boehner (R-Ohio) continued to rail against President Obama on taxes, but opted not to expand on comments he made over the weekend.

Instead, Boehner repeated his desire to see Congress cut spending back to pre-2008 levels and freeze current tax rates on all Americans for two years, including those making more than $250,000 per year.

“Raising taxes will only hurt an already weakened job market,” he wrote.

Boehner said that in addition to his two-point plan to boost the nation’s economy, Republicans have created a website aimed at soliciting suggestions from members of the public.