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RNC Chair Tags Obama As "Campaigner-In-Chief"

Republican National Committee Chairman Reince Priebus tagged President Obama as “Campaigner-in-Chief” Tuesday during a conference call previewing the president’s upcoming travel plans to publicize his American Jobs Act.

“He loves campaigning, he loves raising money, he loves giving big speeches because that’s what he’s good at,” Priebus said. “But, he’s not good at following through on his promises and getting this economy back on the rails.”

The RNC Chair was critical of the cities Obama selected to visit - Ohio, North Carolina and Virginia - and argued that they were selected because they are battleground states for the 2012 presidential election.

Additionally, while Obama has continued to assure Congress and the public that his jobs bill is paid for, the RNC chair argued that these claims are fraudulent and said that Obama has yet to offer a credible method of paying for the $447 billion bill, legislation Priebus calls “Stimulus 2.”

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