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Entries by Justin Duckham (140)


White House: Jobs Push Just Beginning  

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters Friday that despite setbacks in Congress, the White House’s push for jobs legislation is just beginning.

“The Senate vote was the beginning of the plan, not the end,” Carney said aboard Air Force One en route to Detroit, Michigan. “We aren’t going to stop talking about jobs and the economy until we have the kind of economic growth and jobs creation that this country deserves.”

Added Carney, “You can expect to hear the president making the case that we need to take action until Congress takes action, until it makes a decision on every item in the America Jobs Act.”

The jobs bill failed to clear a procedural hurdle in the Senate earlier this week, coming in with a final tally of 50-49.


Occupy Wall Street Clean Up Postponed

Brookfield Properties, the real estate company that owns the park currently inhabited by members of the Occupy Wall Street movement, have withdrawn their request to remove demonstrators so the park can be cleaned.

“Brookfield believes they can work out an arrangement with the protesters that will ensure the park remains clean, safe, available for public use and that the situation is respectful of residents and businesses downtown,” New York Deputy Mayor Cas Hollway said in a statement Friday. “We will continue to monitor the situation.”

Those occupying the park were resistant to exiting from the park in order for it to be cleaned, citing fears that they would not be able to bring tarps or supplies back in with them or that it could lead to a larger crackdown.

On the movements official website, Occupy Wall Street claimed the decision as a victory.

“We are winning!” a post on the site states.


Palin Not Running In 2012

Former Alaska Governor told conservative radio host Mark Levin Wednesday that she will not be seeking the Republican nomination for President.

Levin made the announcement via Twitter and read a statement written by Palin on the air.

Palin’s decision to bow out of the race puts an end to over two years worth of White House buzz. While Palin declined to follow the traditional routes of most would-be candidates, she kept speculation alive by refusing to officially decline a run and hosting a small bus tour earlier this year.

The announcement comes on the heels of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s decision to stay out of the race. Her exit means that the GOP field has essentially solidified.


Obama And Christie Polling Neck And Neck

As cries for Chris Christie to enter the White House grow louder, a hypothetical matchup between the New Jersey Governor and Barack Obama shows that it could be a very close race.

According to Rasmussen Reports, Obama would garner 44 percent of the vote, whereas Christie would take 43 percent. This includes a 3 percent margin of error.

Christie has maintained that he will not enter the race. However, speculation continues to build, fueled by a recent high-profile speech from the Governor at the Ronald Reagan Presidential libray and statements from former New Jersey Governor Thomas Kean, who told the National Journal earlier this week that Christie was seriously considering a run.

The poll was conducted among 1,000 likely voters between September 28th and 29th.


Tea Party Group Endorses Lugar Challenger

The Tea Party Express is throwing their support behind Indiana Treasurer Richard Murdock’s attempt to challenge sitting Sen. Dick Lugar (R-Ind.) in the state’s Republican primary

Lugar, commonly described as a moderate Republican, holds a “history of votes for wasteful spending, bailouts, and bigger government, combined with an attitude of disdain for the tea party movement” according to a statement released by the group this morning.

The organization will formally announce the endorsement in Indiana Thursday.

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