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Entries by Justin Duckham (140)


Palin’s PAC Teases Presidential Run

Sarah Palin’s political action committee, SarahPAC, sent out a fundraising message Wednesday evening implying that the former Alaska Governor could soon be entering the 2012 race.

According to a letter obtained and reported on by the Des Moines Register, SarahPAC’s Treasurer says that Palin is “on the verge” and is urging her supporters to show their financial support.

“Someone must save our nation from this road to European socialism,” the letter states. “Do you think it should be Gov. Palin.”

Rumors of a Presidential run have swirled around Palin since the end of the 2008 election and within recent weeks Palin has stated that she will decide by the end of September. However, during a recent appearance on Fox News, she stated that she may push that deadline.


Poll: Obama Lags In The Sunshine State

As the 2012 election season unfolds, President Barack Obama is off to a rocky start in Florida.

According to a new poll from Quinnipiac University, 57 percent of the state’s voters disapprove of the President’s performance, while only 39 percent approve.

In addition, only 41 percent of the state’s voters say the President deserves re-election and 53 percent say he does not.

Obama’s poor showing is matched by improving numbers for GOP frontrunner Rick Perry and Mitt Romney. In a 2012 matchup, Obama holds a diminishing lead over the Texas governor with 42-44 percent, a shift from his wider 44 to 39 percent lead in early August . If going up against Romney, Obama lags by 47 to 40 percent, a similar decline from the previous poll, which put the two in a 44 to 44 percent tie.

Currently, Perry outshines Romney in the sunshine state by 28 to 22 percent. However, if Sarah Palin confirms that she will not enter the 2012 race, Perry stands to garner more support. An exit from the former Alaska Governor sees Perry’s lead jump to 31 to 22 percent.

The poll was conducted among 1,007 registered Florida voters between September 14th and the 19th.


Florida Democrat Trusts Neither GOP Frontunner On Social Security

One day before Republican Presidential candidates return to Florida for the second debate in the state, Rep. Ted Deutch (D-Fla.) told reporters that he doesn’t believe either of the GOP frontrunners will protect social security.

Deutch pointed toTexas Governor Rick Perry’s description of the entitlement program as a ponzi scheme, a common complaint from Democrats, and added that former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney’s attempts to characterize himself as social security’s defender also fall flat.

“[Romney’s] privatization plans would turn … the American citizens’ money over to the stock market,” Deutch said during a conference call. “Imagine if retirement security depended on what has happened in the stock market over the last few months and years.”

The Florida Democrat added that neither candidate came to the table with agendas that would appeal to latino voters, a key constituency in Florida. Deutch explained that not only would both candidates stances on social security appeal to Latino seniors, nearly half of whom rely on the program as their sole source on income, but that Perry and Romney both declined to support the DREAM Act, which would have granted citizenship to immigrants who joined the armed services or succeeded in college.


Poll: Americans Split Over Best Way To Create Jobs

There is a philosophical divide between the American public over the most effective way to create jobs, according to a new Zogby poll.

The survey shows that 48 percent believe the best was to put Americans back to work is to eliminate regulations and lower taxes for both businesses and individuals. Meanwhile, 46 percent of respondents cited closing tax loopholes, allowing the Bush-era tax cuts to expire and investing in infrastructure.

Party predictably divides the results. 87 percent of those who identified themselves as Republicans cited less taxes and regulations and 80 percent of Democrats opted for the second approach.

The results come as the White House pushes the President’s job proposal and House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) prepares to unveil his.

The poll was conducted between September 8th and 9th among 2,088 likely voters.


Obama Sends Jobs Message To College

President Barack Obama took his jobs message to college students Wednesday, urging them to help his administration rally support from Congress.

I’ve got a homework assignment for you,” Obama said before a large, young audience on North Carolina State University. “I need you to lift your voice.  Make it heard.  You can call, you can email, you can tweet, you can fax.  You can Facebook, you can visit, you can write a letter - when was the last time you did that? Tell your congressperson that the time for partisanship and politics is over.”

At one point the President was greeted by a student yelling “I love you.” The President quipped that if the crowd did love him, then they would help his administration pass the jobs bill.

Obama’s appearance at the University is the latest stop in a series of swing states.

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