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Entries by Justin Duckham (140)


Pentagon Press Secretary Defends Denial Of Rolling Stone Writer’s Embed Request  

A Pentagon spokesperson Thursday defended a decision from coalition forces to deny a request from Michael Hastings, the free-lance journalist behind the Rolling Stone profile that cost former Afghan Commander Gen. Stanley McChrystal his job, to embed with U.S. troops in Afghanistan.

“Based upon his previous engagement with this command, he showed himself not to be trustworthy, not to be credible,” Pentagon Press Secretary Geoff Morrell told reporters. “Therefore, they made a judgment that they were not going to partner with him again.”

Added Morrell, “It should come as no surprise to anybody if unit commanders in Afghanistan are apprehensive about doing work with this reporter in light of the previous experience this command had with this reporter.”


Less Than 50 Pakistani Nationals Detained In Afghanistan, Claims U.S. Official

Although there are escalating concerns over the involvement of Pakistani nationals in the Afghan insurgency, there are only several dozen currently in custody in Afghanistan, according to the U.S. military official in charge of detainee operations within the nation.

“There are less than 50 [non-Afghan detainees],” Vice Admiral Robert Harward, who commands Joint Task Force 435, told reporters via-satellite from Afghanistan Thursday. “75 percent come from Pakistan.”

Recent documents released through the whistle-blower website Wikileaks revealed that Pakistan’s intelligence agency has been supplying the Taliban with support.



OMB Pick Lew Received $900,000 Bonus From Bailed-Out Bank

The Washington Times is reporting that Jack Lew, the State Department official recently tapped to replace Peter Orszag as Office of Management and Budget (OMB) Director, received a $900,000 bonus from Citigroup Inc. after the conglomerate received nearly $45 billion in TARP funds.

Before stepping in as OMB Director, Lew requires Senate confirmation.


Nevada To Host Third Annual Clean Energy Summit 

By Linn Grubbstrom - Talk Radio News Service

Nevada will host the third annual National Clean Energy Summit on September 7th.

“The theme of this year’s summit will focus on the number one issue in Nevada and around the country: investing in American jobs,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who along with the University of Las Vegas and the Center for American Progress sponsors the summit, during a conference call Wednesday.

“Nevada is a perfect place to hold this important national discussion,” Reid said. “We’re leading the way in creating jobs and capitalizing on … fast, clean energy resources.” 

The summits take place each year in Nevada, and according to Reid, progress has been made since it began just two years ago.

“We’ve [made] some big announcements. We’re building a transmission line between northern and southern Nevada which will allow us to be energy independent,” said Reid.


Pentagon Notes

From today’s press gaggle with Colonel David Lapan

Missing Sailor

There is no update on the whereabouts or status of a sailor who went missing in Afghanistan last Friday while driving an SUV through a particularly dangerous portion of the country.

The sailor is still classified as Dustwun (Duty Status-Whereabouts Unknown), and will remain so until there is firm evidence indicating otherwise. According to Lapan, the recent claim from the Taliban that he is in their possession is not viable enough to change this.

Boy Scout Jamboree

Defense Secretary Robert Gates attended the centennial Boy Scout Jamboree in Fort Ap Hill, Virginia Wednesday.

In his prepared remarks, Gates discusses hiking with his son’s Boy Scout troop when he was the CIA Director, and comments that the presence of several black vans and armed security officers may have hindered the experience.

Gates became an Eagle Scout at 15. There is no word from the Pentagon on whether a picture of him in uniform will be made available to reporters.

Suicide Prevention Report

On Thursday, General Peter Chiarelli, Vice Chief of Staff of the Army, will hold a press briefing on the Army’s Health Promotion/Risk Reduction/ Suicide Prevention Report.

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