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Entries in Reid (2)


Reid Urges Republican Cooperation On Small Business Bill

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) took the release of Friday’s new unemployment data as an opportunity to hammer his Republican colleagues on the importance of passing a small business bill.

Republicans must stop putting special interests before working Americans and work with us to pass bipartisan measures that will energize small businesses and the middle class, the engine of America’s economy,” Reid said in a statement on July’s jobs report. “I hope that every senator will return to Washington in September ready to pass critical support to boost our nation’s small businesses.”

The Small Business Jobs and Credit Act, which provides a $30 billion fund for community banks to spur lending at the local level, has not yet found 60 supporters in the Senate. 


Nevada To Host Third Annual Clean Energy Summit 

By Linn Grubbstrom - Talk Radio News Service

Nevada will host the third annual National Clean Energy Summit on September 7th.

“The theme of this year’s summit will focus on the number one issue in Nevada and around the country: investing in American jobs,” said Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), who along with the University of Las Vegas and the Center for American Progress sponsors the summit, during a conference call Wednesday.

“Nevada is a perfect place to hold this important national discussion,” Reid said. “We’re leading the way in creating jobs and capitalizing on … fast, clean energy resources.” 

The summits take place each year in Nevada, and according to Reid, progress has been made since it began just two years ago.

“We’ve [made] some big announcements. We’re building a transmission line between northern and southern Nevada which will allow us to be energy independent,” said Reid.