Poll: Americans Back Afghanistan Drawdown
President Barack Obama’s plan to remove troops from Afghanistan appears to be generally favored by a wide majority of Americans.
According to a recent Gallup poll, 72 percent support the drawdown, compared with 23 percent who oppose it. 5 percent have no opinion.
However, opinions are split over the specific details of the plan to remove 33,000 troops from Afghanistan by next summer. While 43 percent say that the level of withdrawal is “about right,” 29 percent responded that it’s too low and 19 percent said too high. In addition, 33 percent said the 2012 target should be reached sooner, whereas 31 percent say there should be no timetable.
President Obama unveiled details of the drawdown, which will begin in July, last week. Under it, 10,000 troops are scheduled to be removed by the end of the year.
The poll was conducted June 25th-26th among 1,034 randomly chosen adults.