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Entries in Sarah Palin (7)


Palin Not Running In 2012

Former Alaska Governor told conservative radio host Mark Levin Wednesday that she will not be seeking the Republican nomination for President.

Levin made the announcement via Twitter and read a statement written by Palin on the air.

Palin’s decision to bow out of the race puts an end to over two years worth of White House buzz. While Palin declined to follow the traditional routes of most would-be candidates, she kept speculation alive by refusing to officially decline a run and hosting a small bus tour earlier this year.

The announcement comes on the heels of New Jersey Governor Chris Christie’s decision to stay out of the race. Her exit means that the GOP field has essentially solidified.


60 Percent Of Americans Dislike Palin

A recent Bloomberg poll revealed that 60 percent of Americans hold an unfavorable opinion of Sarah Palin.

As part of its National Poll, for which telephone interviews were conducted with 1,001 US adults over the age of 18, Bloomberg asked participants to rank major political and economic figures and groups.

While 28 percent of those surveyed listed the former Alaskan Governor and VP candidate as favorable, an overwhelming 60 percent of individuals marked “mostly unfavorable,” or “very unfavorable.” 12 percent said that they were “not sure.”

55 percent of interviewees responded favorably when asked about President Barack Obama.


Palin's Reality Show Comes To TLC In November

The TLC Network released it’s first peek of an 8 week series staring former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin.  The show entitled Sarah Palin’s Alaska will premier November 14 at 9:00pm EDT and showcases the 2008 Republican Vice Presidential candidate experiencing Alaska’s wilderness with her family.

“I’d rather be doing this than in some stuffy old political office. I’d rather be out here being free,” Palin said in the show’s trailer.


New Poll Shows Romney, Palin Lead GOP For 2012 Presidential Bid

By AJ Swartwood

According to a new Gallup Poll released Thursday, Mitt Romney and Sarah Palin are the leading candidates for the Republican presidential nomination in 2012. 

The poll found discovered that there is support for thirteen candidates, but it was Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts, and Palin, former Governor of Alaska, who led the way with 19% and 16%, respectively. 

Mike Huckabee came in third with 12% and Newt Gingrich lagged behind with 9%. 

Despite the clear frontrunners, the number of potential candidates with support underscores the wide-open nature of the GOP bid. 

The survey was conducted last week with 902 Republican respondents with a margin of error of plus or minus 4&.


Palin Invokes Orwell In Preview Of Obama's Iraq Speech

Former Republican Vice Presidential nominee Sarah Palin tweeted today that President Barack Obama is attempting to re-write the history books by taking credit for ending America’s combat mission in Iraq.

“Obama speech tonite may make u dig out ur old Orwell books so rewritten history can be deciphered, depending on who gets credit 4 Iraq surge,” read Palin’s tweet.

The outspoken conservative was referring to George Orwell, the author of 1984, a fictional novel which portrayed a dystopian society created by the totalitarian regime of a socialist party.

The President’s address to the nation will be televised tonight starting at 8:00pm.