Virginia Lawmakers Unite To Push Job Saving Bill
By Philip Bunnell
Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) joined together Friday to announce a bipartisan initiative to repatriate foreign jobs.
The jobs in question are primarily manufacturing jobs that have moved to China and India as well as call centers. Warner told reporters that states “can’t compete” with nations like China because they don’t
get federal help.
Virginia could compete against Pennsylvania or California, said Warner, “but who we’re really competing with is South Korea or Canada or other nations” where federal support has been successful. Warner also highlighted the need for more export opportunities, stating that “we don’t do a very good job.”
His fellow Virginian lawmaker, Wolf, recommended an expansion of broadband internet service, which he said makes it cheaper for companies to do business in America. Wolf and Warner were very proud of the bipartisan nature of the bill.
“This kind of thing doesn’t happen enough in Washington,” said Warner.
Both men said that their initiative would be paid for, but did not provide the details. Warner said that the plan would not be too expensive, “in the hundred million dollar range.”

Obama Administration Must Re-Focus On Sudan Issues, Says Republican Wolf
Talk Radio News Service
Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) said Wednesday that Obama administration officials along with "movie stars" and Congress are neglecting to focus on difficult issues taking place in Sudan.
"It's shocking and frightening that what this administration has allowed to take place [in Sudan], so it's time for this policy to be taken out of [U.S. Special Envoy to Sudan Scott] Gration's hand, and put back to the secretary's office and put back to Ambassador Rice," Wolf told reporters.
The House Republican said that after witnessing tragedy during a visit to Sudan, he is extremely concerned about U.S. foreign policy with respect to that nation.
"I witnessed the nightmare with my own eyes. I heard heart-breaking stories of rape and slaughter. Over 300,000 Darfuries have died and nearly 3 million have been displaced," said Wolf. "Where is the Obama administration, and quite frankly where is Congress? Where are some of these movie stars that were so excited about getting their pictures taken...there?"
Wolf called on President Barack Obama to give oversight responsibilities of the U.S.'s relationship with the government of Sudan to Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Ambassador Susan Rice. In March 2009, Obama tapped one of his campaign advisers, retired Air Force Gen. J. Scott Gration, to become his envoy for Sudan.
"[Clinton and Rice] should oversee quarterly deputies' meetings to ensure options for consequences are on the table. In fact, I call on the President himself to exercise "personal and sustained leadership on Sudan" in the face of a "stalemated policy" and waning U.S. credibility as a mediator," said Wolf.