Virginia Lawmakers Unite To Push Job Saving Bill
By Philip Bunnell
Sen. Mark Warner (D-Va.) and Rep. Frank Wolf (R-Va.) joined together Friday to announce a bipartisan initiative to repatriate foreign jobs.
The jobs in question are primarily manufacturing jobs that have moved to China and India as well as call centers. Warner told reporters that states “can’t compete” with nations like China because they don’t
get federal help.
Virginia could compete against Pennsylvania or California, said Warner, “but who we’re really competing with is South Korea or Canada or other nations” where federal support has been successful. Warner also highlighted the need for more export opportunities, stating that “we don’t do a very good job.”
His fellow Virginian lawmaker, Wolf, recommended an expansion of broadband internet service, which he said makes it cheaper for companies to do business in America. Wolf and Warner were very proud of the bipartisan nature of the bill.
“This kind of thing doesn’t happen enough in Washington,” said Warner.
Both men said that their initiative would be paid for, but did not provide the details. Warner said that the plan would not be too expensive, “in the hundred million dollar range.”

Pelosi Touts Legislation To Spur Job Growth, Crack Down On Outsourcing
Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) focused on job creation in her weekly news conference Thursday. In the briefing, Pelosi presented information about a new jobs bill, the name of which seems to explain itself well.
The American Jobs, Closing of Loopholes, and Prevention of Outsourcing Act is "about creating jobs, preventing outsourcing of jobs overseas, [and] closing loopholes of corporations and wealthy individuals from avoiding U.S. taxes," according to Pelosi.
The bill will tax fund managers' income and make it harder for large corporations to evade taxes. It also provides unemployment insurance to those who have lost their jobs "through no fault of their own."
The bill is expected to reach the House floor by Tuesday. Pelosi explained that the goal of putting off the vote is to increase transparency by posting the proposed bill on the internet in time for it to be seen.
"We are very proud of what is in it," said Pelosi.
Pelosi mentioned that the House will again be taking up the COMPETES Act and HIRE Act, which would spur job growth by allocating funding towards research and giving businesses that hire unemployed individuals tax cuts respectively.