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Entries in obama (468)


ABC Has "Track Record" Of Unfair Coverage, Says Texas GOP'er

Rep. Lamar Smith (R-Tex.), Chairman of the Media Fairness Caucus, says Americans should not trust ABC News to provide fair and balanced coverage of the President's health care reform plan. (:29)

Obama Reacts To The Video Of An Iranian Demonstrator's Death

When asked during a press conference Tuesday if President Barack Obama had seen a recently released viral video portraying the shooting of a young Iranian demonstrator by an alleged Basiji militiaman, the President responded that he had. He described the video as "heart breaking" and said that it shows something fundamentally unjust (0:17)

Obama: No Iron First Is Strong Enough To Shut Off The World

During a press conference Tuesday, President Barack Obama noted that despite the effort from the Iranian government to suppress reports of protest, demonstrators have been able to expose their struggle through cell phones and the internet.

"In 2009, no iron fist is strong enough to shut off the world from bearing witness to peaceful protests," said Obama (0:53)

Obama Admits Smoking Occasional Cigarette

During a press conference Tuesday, President Barack Obama admitted that although he has tried to quit, he still smokes an occasional cigarette. The President said that while he has fallen off the wagon sometimes, he is not a daily smoker. (0:30)

Obama: Health Care Reform Will Benefit Drug Companies

President Barack Obama said that the health reform plan will benefit drug and insurance companies since it will result in millions of Americans adopting coverage. Obama said that since the companies will be seeing benefits, it would "only be fair" for them to cut costs (0:16).

White House Official Says Obama's Pursuit Of Gay Rights Will Take Time

John Berry, the Director of the U.S. Office of Personnel Management, said that enacting legislation against hate crimes and discrimination, as well as repealing the Defense of Marriage Act and Don't Ask, Don't Tell, will take time. He noted that building support in Congress will be difficult. (0:53)

Obama Grants Benefits To Same-Sex Domestic Partners

By Justin Duckham and Learned Foote-Talk Radio News Service

President Barack Obama took what he described as "a historic step" Wednesday evening as he signed an executive order granting limited federal benefits to same-sex domestic partners.

The executive order will give the U.S. Office of Personnel Management the authority to issue directives stating that any discrimination not based on work related factors is illegal. This would include sexual orientation and gender expression.

The President conceded that there was still much work to be done to achieve full legal equality for gays in the U.S., but noted that he planned on working with Congress to take future legislative action, including the repeal of the Defense of Marriage Act.

The "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" policy, which bans gays from serving in the military, was not mentioned. During the 2008 election, Obama pledged that once President, it would be repealed.

Bill Clinton: We Are Now A Multi-Racial Country

Former President Bill Clinton explains why he believes President Barack Obama's election was possible. He says the United States is no longer a biracial country, but that the U.S. is instead a multi-racial country. He also says that the American people are intolerant of the staples of traditional politics. (0:17)

Obama: We Are Not A Nation That Turns Its Back On Those In Need

During a speech on health care reform, President Barack Obama stated that providing health care for the uninsured was an inherently American value. Obama said that America was not a nation that would turn its back on those in need, including the 46 million uninsured Americans (0:26)

Obama To Pursue Cancer Cure

By Courtney Ann Jackson-Talk Radio News Service

Billy Tauzin, President and CEO of PhRMA, discusses President Obama's announcement about finding a cure for cancer versus President Kennedy's announcement about sending a man to the moon. He noted that the public may be receiving this information differently because in Kennedy's charge, it was just one thing to conquer rather than hundreds. (0:28)

Obama Wants GM To Follow A Market Approach

Larry Summers, Director of the National Economic Council, said President Obama wants GM to be a profitable car company. Summers said the president wants to regulate car companies, not decide what types of cars to build (0:42).

Obama Seeks Fair Trade Agreements

Larry Summers, Director of the National Economic Council, said that President Obama desires fair trade agreements since current agreements favor the U.S. (0:30).

Sen. Graham Describes Detainee Photos As 'Bullets For Our Enemies'

By Courtney Ann Jackson- Talk Radio News Service

Sen. Lindsay Graham (R-S.C.) said today in a press conference on war supplemental funding and detainee photos, "to me, if Congress punts, we take a pass and we're worried about this bill (war supplemental funding) passing more than these photos not being released. We are letting a lot of people down who are counting on us." Graham added that every photo is like a "bullet for our enemies" and that President Obama must take some executive action on classifying the documents before the Supreme Court’s final decision is made. (1:23)

Congress And The Administration Will Work Together To Aid Auto Dealers

Congressman Chris Van Hollen (D-Md.) says that Congress and the Obama administration have the same objectives in regard to the crisis facing auto dealers (0:26)

Liz Cheney Accuses Obama Of Pursuing Global Interests At The Expense Of U.S.

Liz Cheney, daughter of former Vice President Dick Cheney and Deputy Assistant Secretary of State for Near Eastern Affairs during the Bush administration, told Talk Radio News that she believes Obama pursued global interests at the expense of U.S. interests during his recent trip abroad (0:18)

GOP Leader: Time is Coming When This President Will Own The Economy

By Courtney Ann Jackson-Talk Radio News Service

Former Deputy Chairman of the Republican National Committee, Frank Donatelli, discusses how President Obama will soon come to the point when he can no longer blame the previous administration for economic mistakes. Donatelli spoke on the idea of Reaganomics at a Young America's Foundation event Friday. (0:38)

America's Future Now Radio Row Interview with Robert Kuttner

TRNS Bureau Chief Ellen Ratner speaks with The American Prospect Co-Founder Robert Kuttner about his latest editorial column entitled, "Tough Love For Obama." (6:57)

Obama Equates Cyber Security With National Security

Shortly after the release of a report detailing U.S. vulnerability to cyber attack, President Obama outlined how the administration will confront the security of the country's digital infrastructure as a national security concern (0:28)

Phillips: Don't Apologize for the Use of Hard Power

James Phillips, senior research fellow of Middle Eastern Affairs at the Heritage Foundation, expressed Wednesday why he doesn't think Obama should apologize for the use of hard power during his upcoming trip overseas. He believes there should instead be a discussion of the fact that the U.S. has used hard power to fight for the Muslims. (1:00)

Gardner: Obama's Upcoming Overseas Tour

By Courtney Ann Jackson- Talk Radio News Service

Nile Gardner, director of the Margaret Thatcher Center for Freedom at the Heritage Foundation, explains what Obama's upcoming trip overseas, particularly his time in Europe, will mean in terms of the United States' international relations. He also discusses Obama's previous European visit and the repercussions of his statement about American arrogance. (1:28)