Geithner: US Will Turn To World Bank For Assistance In Middle East
Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner discusses the integral role of organizations like the World Bank in providing assistance to countries like Egypt and Tunisia. (0:20)

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Secretary of the Treasury Timothy Geithner discusses the integral role of organizations like the World Bank in providing assistance to countries like Egypt and Tunisia. (0:20)
United Nations Secretary General Ban Ki Moon says he respects President Mubarak decision to step down and is following developments closely. (00:19)
Richard Haas, former US government official and President of the Council on Foreign Relations says the situation Egypt is one of the most difficult faced by any US administration.
Richard Haas, former US government official and President of the Council on Foreign Relations says the Obama administration is taking the right position on Egypt.
Defense minister Ehud Barak says the political development in Egypt are a matter for the Egyptian people, not Israel.
Ellen Ratner interviews Pulitzer Prize winning author Stacy Schiff about her new book: Cleopatra: A Life. They discuss parallels between life in the current state of Egypt and the time of Cleopatra. They also talk about the history around the famous character and the author’s research. (7:08)
White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs describes how Admiral Mullen, Secretary Robert Gates and other military officers have spoken to their Egyptian counterparts. Every conversation has begun with a call for restraint and non-violence. ( :36)
Liz Cheney Accuses Obama Of Pursuing Global Interests At The Expense Of U.S.