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Entries in ambassador (4)


Somalia's Piracy Problem

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

Correspondent Michael Ruhl reports on the security and humanitarian crisis presently plaguing Somalia. Ruhl interviews Somalia's Ambassador-At-Large to the U.S., Abdi Awaleh Jama, and also speaks with Joel Carny from Refugees International.

Read the full article here

Version 1: (00:30)
Version 2: (02:00)
Version 3: (03:25)

"The American public knows nothing about the Middle East"

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

At a public hearing on U.S. Military Aid to the Middle East today, retired Ambassador Edward Peck said, "The American public knows nothing about the Middle East and because they know nothing they are not very interested, and because they’re not very interested they don’t know much, because nobody is going to tell them.”


Is a pirate attack on a U.S. ship an attack against America?

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

Congressman Gene Taylor (D-Missi) asks Ambassador Stephen Mull, Acting under Secretary for International Security and Arms Control for the U.S. State Department whether a ship, targeted by pirates, baring the American flag, would be treated as committing an attack against America. Mull’s response was inconclusive, and Congressman Taylor and Chairman Skelton have asked the Ambassador to submit a written statement outlining in detail, to the committee how this crime is dealt with under international and domestic law.


Inaugural Radio Row: Head of delegation for European Union John Bruton

Bureau Chief Ellen Ratner interviews John Bruton the Head of Delegation and ambassador for the European Union about Obamas presidency and European and America relations. (7:12)
