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Entries in Congressman (18)


Thompson: Cyber Threats Are Out There

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

At a press conference today, Congressman Bennie Thompson (D-Missi) talked about why his Critical Electric Infrastructure Protection Act is necessary. He said, “Right now FERC (The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission)has the responsibility for working with the electric industry, but the industry polices itself, so basically what we want to do in this bill, is to give FERC additional authority to require industries to do what’s in their best interests from the cyber standpoint. They’ve been good so far, but now that we know that potential threats are out here and the fact that hacking and other situations have occurred, we think it’s in our best interests that this legislation be put forward today."


Congressman Sestak On Arlen Specter

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

Regarding Arlen Specter changing parties, Congressman Joe Sestak (D-Penn.) said that it's better for the constituents of Pennsylvania to decide which candidate should win the primary. He feels like the Democratic National Party backing Specter may be giving him too much of an advantage in the Pennsylvania primary. President Barack Obama and Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) have already committed to personally supporting Specter in his 2010 election. (00:47)

General Petraeus Talks About Educating Soldiers

By Michael Ruhl, University of New Mexico – Talk Radio News Service

General David Petraeus says before Congress that it is important for soldiers to have an expanded understanding of Afghanistan, so that the army can function better as a whole. (01:18)

Ackerman makes a joke at House Financial Services hearing on AIG

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

Congressman Gary Ackerman (D-NY) makes a joke comparing AIG to 'I can't believe it's not butter', at House Financial Services Committee.

Kanjorski tells Liddy: "I warned you"

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

Chairman of the Subcommittee on Capital Markets, Insurance and Government Sponsored Enterprise, Paul Kanjorski made this comment to Mr. Edward Liddy, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer for American International Group, today at the House Financial Service Committee on AIG bonuses.
Kanjorski also noted: "Mr. Liddy is not a person that is being paid anything for the CEO position he occupies at AIG".

Scott: "We've got to put a pause button on these bailouts"

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

Congressman David Scott (D-GA) made this comment at the House Financial Services Subcommittee Hearing today on "American International Group's Impact on the Global Economy: Before, During and After Federal /intervention.

He added: "As we point fingers here in Congress we've got to recall that there are three fingers pointing back at us. We've got to make sure we are doing our job right."

Miller: "Employment Free Choice Act does three things"

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

Congressman George Miller (D-Ca) talks at a press conference about the progress of the “Employment Free Choice Act: Strengthening the Middle Class.”

Congressman Miller said: “Under this bill the employees can choose to organize either through the National Labor Relations Board Election Process or through a majority sign up. Under the current law the CEO can veto employees choice when they use majority sign up. Under this bill the employee’s choice will be respected.”


Is a pirate attack on a U.S. ship an attack against America?

By Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

Congressman Gene Taylor (D-Missi) asks Ambassador Stephen Mull, Acting under Secretary for International Security and Arms Control for the U.S. State Department whether a ship, targeted by pirates, baring the American flag, would be treated as committing an attack against America. Mull’s response was inconclusive, and Congressman Taylor and Chairman Skelton have asked the Ambassador to submit a written statement outlining in detail, to the committee how this crime is dealt with under international and domestic law.


Becerra: "All that was missing was the cheerleaders shouting, 'go, go, you got it right'."

By Christina Lovato - Talk Radio News Service/University of New Mexico and Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

Congressman Xavier Becerra (D-Ca) gives his opinion on President Barack Obama's Joint Congressional Address. He said: Obama did a masterful job of explaining very candidly and honestly the challenges we face."

Cohen: Obama highlighted "potential of where we can go"

By Christina Lovato - Talk Radio News Service/University of New Mexico and Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News Service

Congressman Steve Cohen (D-Tenn) gives his opinion on President Barack Obama's Joint Congressional Address. He said: "the nation needed to hear the realities of where we are and the potential of where we can go."

Meeks: "Obama was inspirational but practical"

By Christina Lovato - Talk Radio News Service/University of New Mexico and Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News

Congressman Gregory Meeks (D-NY) gives his opinion on President Barack Obama's Joint Congressional Address. He said: "Obama sent out a challenge to America...we are not going to be in despair, we are going to meet the challenge head on."

Reichert impressed by Obama's focus on "energy, education and healthcare"

By Christina Lovato - Talk Radio News Service/University of New Mexico and Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News

Congressman Dave Reichert (R-WA), gives his opinion on President Barack Obama's Joint Congressional Address. He said: "I liked the focus on energy, education and health care."

Fleming "perplexed" by Obama's address to Congress

By Christina Lovato - Talk Radio News/University of New Mexico and Kayleigh Harvey - Talk Radio News

Congressman John Fleming (R-LA) gives his opinion on President Barack Obama's Joint Congressional Address. He said, "there wasn't much specific in it."

Boccieri: Obama's speech showed bold leadership 

By Suzia van Swol and Candyce Torres, University of New Mexico-Talk Radio News Service
Congressman John Boccieri (D-Ohio) says that President Obama's Address to the Congress, "showed the type of bold leadership that was required for a nation in crisis."
Boccieri says that investing in healthcare and education are going to be what propels us towards prosperity. (0:38)


Congressman Melancon says he is proud of America

Congressman Charlie Melancon tells Former Congressman Bob Ney he is "proud of America" and what he thinks will happen after the inauguration at Radio Row on January 19, 2009 (02:01).

Health care reform needed says James Kvaal

Former Congressman Bob Ney talks to James Kvaal about health care reform at Radio Row on January 19, 2009 (01:52).

Former Congressman Bob Ney Interviews Mark Brzezinski

Former Congressman Bob Ney talks to Mark Brzezinski about expectations for President-Elect Barack Obama at Radio Row on January 19, 2009 (03:04).

Inaugural Radio Row: Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y)

International Affairs Correspondent Blanquita Cullum interviews Congressman Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y) about the upcoming inauguration and the effects it has on the government. (20:39)