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Entries in Bill Clinton (5)


Chelsea Clinton Joins NBC

NBC announced Monday morning that Chelsea Clinton will be joining their staff as a special news correspondent.  

“Chelsea is a remarkable woman who will be a great addition to NBC News. Given her vast experiences, it’s as though Chelsea has been preparing for this opportunity her entire life,” Steve Capus, President of NBC News, said in a statement. “We are proud she will be bringing her considerable, unique talents and dedication to NBC News.”

Clinton will begin work on Monday morning on stories that are part of NBC’s “Making a Difference” franchise on NBC Nightly News.

According to the New York Times, Clinton plans to donate her NBC earnings to the Clinton Foundation and the George Washington University Hospital in honor of her grandmother who passed away this month. 

“I hope telling stories through ‘Making a Difference’ — as in my academic work and nonprofit work — will help me to live my grandmother’s adage of ‘Life is not about what happens to you, but about what you do with what happens to you,’ ”Clinton said in a statement.

Clinton will be the second president’s daughter hired by NBC News and the third daughter of a recent presidential candidate. Jenna Bush Hager, daughter of President George W. Bush works as a correspondent for NBC’s “Today” show and John McCain’s daughter, Meghan McCain, is a contributor to MSNBC.


Bill Clinton Says Obama's Approval Rating Will Jump After GOP Picks Candidate

Former President Bill Clinton said Sunday that he feels for President Obama as his approval rating continues to drip, but Clinton remained optimistic that Obama would bounce back once the GOP’s presidential candidate is selected.

“When you are out there running against yourself and people feel miserable, it’s hard to see your numbers go up,” Clinton said on CBS’ “Face the Nation.”

“When he’s got a real opponent and people get to evaluate real alternatives, and the get to see how the Republicans respond to his speech… I think we’ll be in a different world politically,” he added.

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Clinton: 2010 GOP Field Makes Bush Seem Liberal

Former President Bill Clinton told guests at a fundraisder yesterday that his successor in the White House wouldn’t compare with the current crop of Tea Party-backed Republicans running for Congress.

“A lot of their candidates today, they make him look like a liberal,” Clinton said of George W. Bush.

The former president was campagining for Democratic gubernatorial hopeful Mark Dayton.


Former President Goes On The Attack For Strickland

Former President Bill Clinton is in Ohio today to campaign for Governor Ted Strickland (D). Strickland, who is seeking re-election this November, is trailing badly in the polls behind his opponent, former House Budget Chairman John Kasich (R).

In an email this morning, Clinton blasted Kasich over his opposition to the former’s economic policies during the 90’s.

“Back in 1993, I proposed a plan that balanced the federal budget and helped us create those 23 million jobs,” Clinton said. “But Congressman Kasich called my plan a “job killer.” In fact, Kasich said he’d “have to become a Democrat” if the plan worked! Well, even after we created 23 million jobs, Congressman Kasich is still a Republican.”

Kasich, said Clinton, “has the wrong ideas for how to grow our economy and create jobs.”

Clinton’s visit to Ohio today comes a week after President Obama traveled to Ohio to deliver a speech on the economy. Obama spent some time with Strickland that day, and will stump for the Governor again in late October.


Chelsea Clinton Marries Mark Mezvinsky

Chelsea Clinton, daughter of former president Bill Clinton and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, married Mark Mezvinsky in a private ceremony in Rhinebeck, New York this weekend.  Chelsea Clinton works at Avenue Capital Group and Mezvinsky is the son of former Iowa Congressman Edward Mezvinsky and former Pennsylvania Rep. Marjorie Margolies-Mezvinsky.


by Philip Bunnell