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Former President Goes On The Attack For Strickland

Former President Bill Clinton is in Ohio today to campaign for Governor Ted Strickland (D). Strickland, who is seeking re-election this November, is trailing badly in the polls behind his opponent, former House Budget Chairman John Kasich (R).

In an email this morning, Clinton blasted Kasich over his opposition to the former’s economic policies during the 90’s.

“Back in 1993, I proposed a plan that balanced the federal budget and helped us create those 23 million jobs,” Clinton said. “But Congressman Kasich called my plan a “job killer.” In fact, Kasich said he’d “have to become a Democrat” if the plan worked! Well, even after we created 23 million jobs, Congressman Kasich is still a Republican.”

Kasich, said Clinton, “has the wrong ideas for how to grow our economy and create jobs.”

Clinton’s visit to Ohio today comes a week after President Obama traveled to Ohio to deliver a speech on the economy. Obama spent some time with Strickland that day, and will stump for the Governor again in late October.

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