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White House Calls On Syria's Assad To Step Down

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney released the following statement in response to reports that the Syrian government continues to wage violence against its own people:

“The United States continues to believe that the only way to bring about the change that the Syrian people deserve is for Bashar al-Assad to leave power.  The words of the Assad regime have no credibility when they continue to be followed by outrageous and deplorable actions.  Only two days following the Assad regime’s decision to sign the Arab League initiative, they have already flagrantly violated their commitment to end violence and withdraw security forces from residential areas.  The United States is deeply disturbed by credible reports that the Assad regime continues to indiscriminately kill scores of civilians and army defectors, while destroying homes and shops and arresting protesters without due process.  While Syrian security forces have also taken casualties, the overwhelming majority of the violence and loss of life in Syria stems from the actions of the Assad regime, and we call on all parties to put an end to violence.”

“Time and again, the Assad regime has demonstrated that it does not deserve to rule Syria.  It’s time for this suffering and killing to stop. It’s time for the immediate and full implementation of all terms of the Arab League agreement, including the full withdrawal of security forces, the release of political prisoners, and unfettered access by monitors and international media to all parts of Syria.  It’s time for the Syrian people to have the universal rights that they deserve.  The Assad regime is already facing growing isolation and sanctions that are choking off its resources.  We urge Syria’s few remaining supporters in the international community to warn Damascus that if the Arab League initiative is once again not fully implemented, the international community will take additional steps to pressure the Assad regime to stop its crackdown.  Bashar al-Assad should have no doubt that the world is watching, and neither the international community nor the Syrian people accept his legitimacy.”


Report: Kim Jong Un Won't Be Sole NK Leader 

Kim Jong Un, the son of recently deceased dictator Kim Jong Il, will share power in North Korea with the country’s military and his uncle, according to a Reuters report.

Reuters stated that their source, described as being closely tied with the North Korean capitol of Pyongyang, has accurately predicted outcomes in the isolated country before.

The shared power model is likely a move to ensure stability in the isolated nation. Although the twenty-something Kim Jong Un appeared to be his father’s handpicked successor, he was burdened by inexperience and little time to be groomed for the role.

Read the full Reuters report here.


Fukushima Meltdown May Have Caused American Deaths, Study Shows

According to a new peer-reviewed study published in the December edition of the International Journal of Health Services – researchers found that there were 14,000 excess deaths in America in the 14 weeks after the Fukushima meltdown - and they believe these deaths can be traced back to radioactive fallout. 

A similar phenomenon was studied at Chernobyl in 1986.


Clinton: Gingrich Overstating Role In Balancing Budget

Former President Bill Clinton accused his former adversary Newt Gingrich Tuesday of overstating his involvement in balancing the federal budget during the 90s.

When asked during an interview on NBC, Clinton explained that the major contributing factor for the surplus was opposed by then-Speaker Gingrich.

“I had a decent working relationship with him,” Clinton said. “But the vast lion’s share of balancing the budget was done in the budget of 1993 that he led the opposition to.”

Clinton did acknowledge however that the two politicians successfully crafted five budgets that “worked out pretty well for the American people.”

The interview can be seen here.


White House Shrugs Off Complaint From Payroll Group

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney told reporters Tuesday that President Obama isn’t worried about potential issues stemming from how to implement a short-term payroll tax cut extension.

In a letter this week to both the House and Senate Ways and Means Committees, the National Payroll Reporting Consortium, an independent payroll processing trade organization, said it might not be possible to make a two-month continuation of the two percent tax cut work.

“With the first of January now only two weeks away and payroll departments trying to meet year-end compliance mandates and reconciliation, there simply is insufficient time to implement this major change in withholding requirements,” wrote NPRC President Pete Isberg.

When asked about the letter during today’s briefing, Carney acknowledged the group’s concern, but said that Obama “is committed to asking his administration to work with American businesses to overcome whatever complications this might cause.”

“He’d rather do that…then ask Americans to spend the holidays worrying about how they’re gonna deal with $1,000 less next year,” Carney added.

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