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Top Military Officer: U.S. Vigilant Following Kim Jong Il's Death 

General Martin Dempsey, the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, said Monday that the U.S. is on guard following the death of North Korean leader Kim Jong Il, but that changes in America’s military policy towards the country will likely go unchanged.

“I don’t think you’ll see any change in our posture. There’s no change in our readiness position,” General Dempsey said during a townhall Monday with U.S. servicemembers at the Ramstein Airbase in Germany.

Dempsey, the  country’s highest ranking military officer, noted that the U.S. was aware that the North Korean leader had been in poor health for quite a while and has explored possible post-Kim Jong Il scenarios.

“We think we know what succession looks,” Dempsey said. “But we’re not certain of it.”

Kim, 69, reportedly died of a heart attack. He is expected to be succeeded by his twenty-something year old son Kim Jong Un.


Ron Paul Atop New Iowa Poll

A new Public Policy Polling survey out this morning reveals a potentially explosive new development in the Republican presidential primary race.

Texas Congressman Ron Paul has overtaken former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (R-Ga.) as the party’s frontrunner, according to the poll.

At 23 percent, Paul leads former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney by three percentage points. Paul, who eschews mostly libertarian views on policy, has run the most organized campaign of anyone in Iowa. The first-in-the-nation Iowa Caucus takes place in a little over two weeks from today.

Meanwhile, the poll shows Gingrich slipping to 14 percent, followed by former Pennsylvania Senator Rick Santorum, Minnesota Congresswoman Michele Bachmann and Texas Governor Rick Perry, who each tied at 10 percent apiece.

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Washington Reacts To Kim Jong Il's Death

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney released the following statement in response to news reports that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il died over the weekend:

“We are closely monitoring reports that Kim Jong Il is dead. The President has been notified, and we are in close touch with our allies in South Korea and Japan. We remain committed to stability on the Korean peninsula, and to the freedom and security of our allies.”

The White House also announced that President Obama had phoned his South Korean counterpart, Lee Myung-Bak, to discuss the news:

“At midnight tonight, President Obama spoke with Republic of Korea President Lee Myung-bak to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula following the death of Kim Jong Il. The President reaffirmed the United States’ strong commitment to the stability of the Korean Peninsula and the security of our close ally, the Republic of Korea. The two leaders agreed to stay in close touch as the situation develops and agreed they would direct their national security teams to continue close coordination.”


Boehner's Opposition To Short-Term Payroll Tax Deal Befuddles White House

White House Communications Director Dan Pfeiffer released the following statement after House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio) announced that he will not support a Senate bill to extend the current payroll tax holiday by two months:

“The bipartisan compromise passed in the Senate yesterday received 89 votes, including 39 Republican votes, and Speaker Boehner himself just yesterday called it a “good deal” and a “victory.” The near 90 percent approval by the Senate reflected the view by the overwhelming number of Senate Republicans – as well as Democrats – that the best way to achieve the President’s goal of ensuring that taxes were not increased on 160 million Americans as we enter the New Year was to support this bipartisan compromise.  

“If House Republicans refuse to pass this bipartisan bill to extend the payroll tax cut, there will be a significant tax increase on 160 million hardworking Americans in 13 days that would damage the economy and job growth. After months of opposition, we are glad that Republicans were finally showing a willingness to not raise taxes on middle class families. As the President said yesterday, it is inexcusable to do anything less than extend this tax cut for the entire year, and Congress must work on a one year deal. But they should pass the two month extension now to avoid a devastating tax hike from hitting the middle class in just 13 days. It’s time House Republicans stop playing politics and get the job done for the American people.”


Senate Passes 'Omnibus' Spending Bill

The Senate voted Saturday morning to approve a roughly $1 trillion government funding package. By a vote of 67-32, the upper chamber cleared the giant spending bill, which keeps the federal government operating through the end of next September.

In a statement, Sen. Ben Cardin (D-Md.) said that the budget “cuts federal spending overall, but still protects our key investments in the American people and job-creating programs ranging from small business to health care to education.”

The measure, which was passed by the House on Friday evening, now heads to President Obama’s desk.

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