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Washington Reacts To Kim Jong Il's Death

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney released the following statement in response to news reports that North Korean dictator Kim Jong Il died over the weekend:

“We are closely monitoring reports that Kim Jong Il is dead. The President has been notified, and we are in close touch with our allies in South Korea and Japan. We remain committed to stability on the Korean peninsula, and to the freedom and security of our allies.”

The White House also announced that President Obama had phoned his South Korean counterpart, Lee Myung-Bak, to discuss the news:

“At midnight tonight, President Obama spoke with Republic of Korea President Lee Myung-bak to discuss the situation on the Korean Peninsula following the death of Kim Jong Il. The President reaffirmed the United States’ strong commitment to the stability of the Korean Peninsula and the security of our close ally, the Republic of Korea. The two leaders agreed to stay in close touch as the situation develops and agreed they would direct their national security teams to continue close coordination.”

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