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Report: White House Energy Program Politicized

The Obama administration’s $80 billion program to distribute loans to companies researching and developing clean energy was marred by political considerations, according to a report Sunday from the Washington Post.

Citing internal memos and emails, the Post concludes that the White House granted easier access to investors who were politically connected.

The program came under scrutiny after the loan-backed Solyndra, a California-based solar energy company that President Obama visited, went bankrupt.

The full report can be read here.


South Carolina GOP Reacts To DOJ Decision

The Justice Department announced yesterday that it will block a new voter ID law in South Carolina that requires voters to present a valid photo ID at the polls.

Critics of the new law have argued that it will discourage and prevent minorities in the state from casting ballots.

Today, South Carolina Republican Party Chairman Chad Connelly responded to the news:

“The Obama administration has once again decided that Washington knows best. Requiring voter identification is a common sense safeguard. This administration continues to trample on the states, and voters know that every potential Republican nominee would be one thousand times better than Barack Obama.”


Reid Names Conferees To Negotiate Payroll Extension With GOP

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) announced Friday morning that he has appointed a quartet of Senators to work with House Republicans next month on extending the current payroll tax holiday through the end of 2012:

Here is a statement from Reid:

“I am appointing Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus, Senator Jack Reed, Senator Ben Cardin, and Joint Economic Committee Chairman Bob Casey as conferees to negotiate a year-long extension of the payroll tax cut, as well as unemployment insurance and Medicare payments for physicians. All four are leaders in our caucus with a proven history of forging bipartisan agreements. I am confident that they will work expeditiously with our colleagues in the House.”


McConnell Urges House Republicans To Play Ball

Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell publicly urged Republicans in the lower chamber Thursday to drop their opposition to the two-month extension of payroll relief.

“The House should pass an extension that locks in the thousands of Keystone XL pipeline jobs, prevents any disruption in the payroll tax holiday or other expiring provisions, and allows Congress to work on a solution for the longer extensions,” McConnell said in a press release.

While a number of Republicans in the upper chamber have criticized their House colleagues for threatening a tax hike when the cuts expire on New Years Day, McConnell’s high-ranking position carries additional weight.

Below is the full statement:

“The House and Senate have both passed bipartisan bills to require the President to quickly make a decision on whether to support thousands of U.S. manufacturing jobs through the Keystone XL pipeline, and to extend unemployment insurance, the temporary payroll tax cut and seniors’ access to medical care. There is no reason why Congress and the President cannot accomplish all of these things before the end of the year.  House Republicans sensibly want greater certainty about the duration of these provisions, while Senate Democrats want more time to negotiate the terms. These goals are not mutually exclusive. We can and should do both. Working Americans have suffered enough from the President’s failed economic policies and shouldn’t face the uncertainty of a New Year’s Day tax hike. Leader Reid should appoint conferees on the long-term bill and the House should pass an extension that locks in the thousands of Keystone XL pipeline jobs, prevents any disruption in the payroll tax holiday or other expiring provisions, and allows Congress to work on a solution for the longer extensions.”


White House Condemns Iraq Bombings

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney issued the following statement in response to a series of bombings that killed at least 60 people in Iraq this morning:

“We strongly condemn the terrorist attacks against innocent Iraqis, which serve no agenda other than murder and hatred.  We offer our condolences to those whose loved ones were lost or wounded.  Attempts such as this to derail Iraq’s continued progress will fail.  Iraq has suffered heinous attacks like this in the past, and its security forces have shown they are up to the task of responding and maintaining stability.  Time and again, the Iraqi people have shown their resilience in overcoming efforts to divide them.  We continue to urge leaders to come together to face common challenges.”

“Vice President Biden has spoken to several senior Iraqi leaders over the past week. Today he called Iraqi President Jalal Talabani to offer our full support for his efforts, and those of other Iraqi leaders, to foster dialogue that will allow all Iraqi blocs to work through their differences together. The Vice President also reiterated the need for actions to be guided by the rule of law and Iraq’s Constitution. At this difficult time, the United States stands with Iraq as a strategic partner and a close friend.”