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White House Condemns Iraq Bombings

White House Press Secretary Jay Carney issued the following statement in response to a series of bombings that killed at least 60 people in Iraq this morning:

“We strongly condemn the terrorist attacks against innocent Iraqis, which serve no agenda other than murder and hatred.  We offer our condolences to those whose loved ones were lost or wounded.  Attempts such as this to derail Iraq’s continued progress will fail.  Iraq has suffered heinous attacks like this in the past, and its security forces have shown they are up to the task of responding and maintaining stability.  Time and again, the Iraqi people have shown their resilience in overcoming efforts to divide them.  We continue to urge leaders to come together to face common challenges.”

“Vice President Biden has spoken to several senior Iraqi leaders over the past week. Today he called Iraqi President Jalal Talabani to offer our full support for his efforts, and those of other Iraqi leaders, to foster dialogue that will allow all Iraqi blocs to work through their differences together. The Vice President also reiterated the need for actions to be guided by the rule of law and Iraq’s Constitution. At this difficult time, the United States stands with Iraq as a strategic partner and a close friend.”

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