Report: Woman Who Accused Cain Got $45K
Politico said it has learned that one of the women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment received a $45,000 cash settlement from the National Restaurant Association.
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Politico said it has learned that one of the women who accused Herman Cain of sexual harassment received a $45,000 cash settlement from the National Restaurant Association.
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New Hampshire Republican Party Secretary of State Bill Gardner made it official today, announcing that his state’s primary will take place on January 10.
The news had been assumed for days by those in the know. After Iowa’s GOP set its caucuses for January 3 and GOP officials in Nevada agreed last week to move their primary back to February 4, the door was opened for New Hampshire to settle on the 10th.
Talking Points Memo’s Eric Kleefield has more on the story…
A coalition of progressive groups are floating a running mate for GOP frontrunner Mitt Romney: Gordon Gekko.
Gekko, the notoriously greedy fictional character from the 1987 Oliver Stone film Wall Street, is being used to highlight Romney’s past as the CEO Bain Capital, a firm known for reselling businesses after they laid off workers.
Activists from MoveOn.Org, Americans United for Change and Concerned New Yorkers plan on holding a mock “Romney-Gekko 2012” campaign rally outside of a New York fundraiser for the Presidential hopeful Wednesday.
Presidential hopeful Herman Cain told Fox News’ Greta Van Susteren Monday that one woman who accused him of sexual harassment in the 90s was seeking a “huge financial settlement.”
“The good news is because there was no basis for this, we ended up settling for what would have been a termination settlement,” Cain said.
Cain’s recollection of the event appeared out of sync with a statement he had made earlier in the day, wherein he told the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. that he was not aware of any settlement.
Allegations surrounding the former businessman were brought to light in a story in Politico, which reported that during Cain’s tenure as the restaurant industry’s top lobbyist, he faced sexual harassment charges from two female employees.
During his Fox appearance, Cain detailed one incident that led to the charge, explaining that he made a gesture to indicate the woman’s height in comparison to his wife.
An informal poll conducted Monday by the Des Moines Register shows that voters in the key primary state aren’t that concerned with a new scandal involving sexual harassment allegations against Republican candidate Herman Cain.
Over the weekend, Politico reported that two women who worked under Cain complained that he acted inappropriately toward them during his time as CEO of the National Restaurant Association from 1996-1999. The report stated that both women then received a cash settlement to leave the organization and to not speak about it. Cain’s defense of the allegations since Sunday has received mixed reviews.
Yesterday, the newspaper, which released a poll last week showing Cain leading the rest of the GOP field, asked 20 people who participated in the poll whether the scandal changed their opinion of Cain.
“None said the allegations had moved them to reject Cain as a potential pick,” wrote the paper’s chief political writer, Jennifer Jacobs.
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