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Entries in Election '12 (107)


New Witness To Go Public Against Cain

A new witness could offer Sharon Bialek’s sexual harassment allegation against GOP presidential hopeful Herman Cain more credibility. 

After failed attempts in organizing a joint conference with two of Cain’s accusers, a third-party witness is now expected to step forward and shed more light on the situation. 

According to a a statement released by Bialek’s attorney Gloria Allred, “a previously unidentified witness” is expected to talk to the media Monday at 2:00p.m. EST in Shreveport, La. 

The witness, who remains unnamed at this time, is a pediatrician and was Bialek’s former boyfriend at the time the alleged incident took place. Bialek’s ex-boyfriend is said to have more information regarding the allegations facing Cain. 

This is a developing story… 


Poll: Obama Ties With Generic Republican

President Barack Obama now runs neck and neck with a generic GOP candidate, according to a new Gallup poll.

The development is good news for the Obama team. In the previous two months, the President has fared well in match-ups against individual members of the GOP field, but trailed a nameless Republican candidate.

The new survey places Obama and the generic candidate at 43 percent and 42 percent, a statistical tie.

The poll was conducted between Nov. 3rd and 6th among 1,012 respondents.


Cain Says Campaign Is Going Strong

In a fundraising memo released earlier today, GOP White House hopeful Herman Cain said his campaign is doing great despite new allegations that he sexually harassed a fourth woman back during his time as CEO of the National Restuarant Association.

“Despite our opponents’ best efforts to tear me down, my campaign is actually gaining stem,” Cain said in the statement.

Cain, who is expected to address the claims during an appearance later today in Phoenix, also urged his supporters “to stand with him against the Washington D.C. establishment, the liberal media and Barack Obama.”


Fourth Cain Employee Alleges Harassment 

A fourth former National Restaurant Association employee is alleging sexual harassment charges against its former CEO, Presidential hopeful Herman Cain.

According to Gloria Allred, an attorney well-known for taking on women’s rights issues, the latest accuser will share her identity and account of the incident during a press conference in New York City Monday.

Early last week, Cain, a top tier GOP candidate, was revealed by Politico to have faced sexual harassment allegations from at least two employees during the 1990s. Although Cain maintains that he has never sexually harassed anyone, settlement payments were made. A third woman told the Associated Press last week that she was harassed by Cain, but did not take any formal action.


Paul Upset With Obama's Executive Orders

Rep. Ron Paul (R-Texas) today criticized President Obama’s recent string of executive orders aimed at providing economic relief to certain sectors of the public.

In a statement, the Republican presidential candidate accused Obama of ignoring the Constitution by issuing orders intended to lower loan payments for students and mortgage payments for homeowners, and help put returning veterans back to work.

“The current administration has unabashedly stated that Congress’s unwillingness to pass the president’s jobs bill means that the president will act unilaterally to enact provisions of it piecemeal through Executive Order,” Paul said. “Obama explicitly threatens to bypass Congress, thus aggregating the power to make and enforce laws in the executive.  This clearly erodes the principles of separation of powers and checks and balances. It brings the modern presidency dangerously close to an elective dictatorship.”

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