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Entries in Election '12 (107)


GOP Pounces On New Obama Slogan

Republicans are having some fun with President Obama’s new “We Can’t Wait” mantra.

Obama will premier his new battle cry during a visit to Las Vegas today to discuss his plan to help struggling homeowners refinance their mortgages.

After multiple outlets reported the news, RNC Chairman Reince Priebus tweeted, “WeCantWait to put an end to Obamanomics and get America working again.”

“WeCantWait for POTUS & Democrats to work with Republicans to find common ground 4jobs,” tweeted House Speaker John Boehner (R-Ohio).

From “Yes We Can” to “Pass This Bill,” the president has tried out a number of slogans over the years. The White House is hoping that his latest motto convinces undecided voters to blame Republicans for the fact that Washington has been unable to turn around the nation’s fledgling economy.


Romney Camp Labels Obama’s Bus Trip The “Magical Misery Tour”

Mitt Romney’s campaign is blasting President Obama’s three day bus trip as “the Magical Misery Tour,” a play on the Beatles’ 1967 album “Magical Mystery Tour.”

“Amid our nation’s job crisis, President Obama will spend three days in North Carolina and Virginia this week where we can expect more of the same blame game and finger pointing for high unemployment and record deficits,” Zac Moffatt, the Digital Director for the Romney campaign, said in an email to supporters.

The campaign is marking the tour with a “limited edition” tie-dye hat that supporters can purchase with a $30 donation.


Trump Calls For Action Against Wall Street Demonstrators

Business mogul Donald Trump said Monday evening that the majority of those protesting in New York’s financial district are simply there for no reason.

During a telephone town hall event with GOP presidential hopeful Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.), Trump said “Those camping out in Wall Street – many are just having a good time at other people’s expense. Many didn’t know why they were there.”

“At some point something is going to have to be done,” he added.

The rest of the town hall focused on what Bachmann would do to fix the nation’s ailing economy and repair its healthcare system. Trump lent support to Bachmann’s calls to repeal President Obama’s healthcare reform law, as well as her ideas to help small businesses.

Earlier in the day, an aide to Trump told TRNS that his participation in the event did not constitute an endorsement of Bachmann.


Hispanic Lawmaker Condemns Cain’s Electric Fence Joke

Presidential hopeful Herman Cain’s comment about installing an electric fence on the U.S.-Mexico border has drawn the ire of the chairman of the Hispanic Congressional Caucus.

“Words have consequences, both in shaping ideas and inspiring actions,” Rep. Charles Gonzales (D-Texas) said in a statement Monday. “Mr. Cain’s words show a lack of understanding of the immigration issues our country is facing and a staggering lack of sensitivity.”

While campaigning over the weekend, Cain remarked that the U.S. should use an electrified, barbed wire fence to kill anybody attempting to enter the country illegally. When confronted over the remarks during an interview on NBC Sunday, Cain dismissed the comments as a joke.

However, Gonzales finds little comfort in Cain’s justification.

“I see nothing funny about killing other human beings,” Gonzales said. “Leave the comic routines to the professional comedians.”


Poll: Cain Leads GOP Field

Herman Cain’s popularity continues to rise, according to a new poll from Zogby International.

The former Godfather’s CEO continues to lead the GOP field, a spot he has held since September 26th. The latest poll places his support at 45 percent, a 7 point increase from the previous October 5th survey.

Former Massachusetts Governor Mitt Romney comes in second with 21 percent. No other Republican candidate, including the party’s former frontrunner Texas Governor Rick Perry, reaches double digits.

The poll was conducted among 1,214 likely Republican voters between Oct. 11-14th.