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Entries by Justin Duckham (140)


Jimmy Carter Hospitalized  

Former President Jimmy Carter has been hospitalized in Cleveland, Ohio, according to CNN.

The hospitalization is based on an unknown health issue. 

Update: CNN follows up that Carter is in the hospital resting comfortably.


Rahm Emanuel May Leave White House By End Of Week

White House Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel may announce his departure from the Obama administration as soon as Friday, according to a report in Politico.

Emanuel is expected to return to Chicago where he will run for mayor in the wake of Richard Daley’s retirement plans. When in Congress, Emanuel’s district, Illinois’ fifth, contained part of the city.



U.S. Officials To Testify On Lockerbie Bomber’s Release

The Senate’s investigation into the release of the Lockerbie Bomber will continue Wednesday via a hearing with the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

The hearing, which will be chaired by Sen. Robert Menendez (D-N.J.), will receive testimony from Nancy McEldowney, the State Department’s Principal Deputy Assistant Secretary in the Bureau of European Affairs and Bruce Swartz, a Deputy Assistant Attorney General at the Justice Department. Two health experts will attend the hearing as well.

The bomber, a Libyan citizen named Abdelbaset Ali Al-Megrahi, was released by Scottish authorities over a year ago on compassionate grounds. It was determined by the Scots that Al-Megrahi, diagnosed with prostate cancer, was expected to live less than three months.

Al-Megrahi was convicted for bombing Pan-Am flight 103 in 1988.



Biden Stumping For Dems In New Hampshire  

Vice President Biden will be attending a fundraiser Monday for New Hampshire Democrats Rep. Carol Shea-Porter and Senate hopeful Paul Hodes.

 Biden’s fundraising appearance will follow an economic discussion held at a private residence with Shea-Porter, Hodes and Sen. Jeanne Shaheen (D).


Report: White House Wants OK To Wiretap The Internet

The White House intends to push legislation that would ease the federal government’s ability to intercept electronic communication, according to a report Monday in the New York Times.

The legislation, which will reportedly be sent to Congress next year, will require sites like Facebook and Gmail to comply with wiretap orders.

The New York Times article can be read here.