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Entries by Justin Duckham (140)


Log Cabin Republicans: Where Are The Consequences Of DADT Repeal?  

The Log Cabin Republicans, a conservative gay rights group, pointed out in a fundraising email Monday that negative effects of an immediate repeal theorized by Obama administration officials have not taken place since last week’s suspension of the policy.

“After nearly a week without ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ those enormous consequences haven’t materialized,” the email reads. “The U.S. military remains the most powerful armed force in the world, and all signs point to it being even stronger when ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell’ finds its place on the ash heap of history.

The Log Cabin Republicans were the plaintiffs in the recent suit that resulted in the suspension of the policy.


Schwarzenegger Endorses Charlie Crist Via Twitter

California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger endorsed Florida Senatorial candidate Charlie Crist Tuesday via Twitter.

“I endorse Gov @charliecristfl for Senate. Great leader, works with both parties, and our country needs someone like him in DC right now,” Schwarzenegger tweeted.

In response, Crist released a statement saying he was “honored to have the support of this independent leader.”

“We have worked together on such critical issues as reducing climate change and promoting alternative energy.  In the United State Senate, I will work toward bipartisan solutions to our common challenges so we can create jobs and put Florida back to work,” Crist said.


Obama On Desmond Tutu's Retirement

President Barack Obama released the following statement on the retirment of Archbishop and human rights activist Desmond Tutu:

“It is with deep appreciation that I note Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s retirement from public life today on the occasion of his 79th birthday. 

This event invites us to celebrate his many accomplishments from which we have all benefited.  For decades he has been a moral titan—a voice of principle, an unrelenting champion of justice, and a dedicated peacemaker. He played a pivotal role in his country’s struggle against apartheid and extraordinary example of pursuing a path to forgiveness and reconciliation in the new South Africa.

He has also been an outspoken voice for freedom and justice in countries across the globe; a staunch defender of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender persons; and an advocate for treatment and prevention programs to stop the spread of HIV/AIDS.  

We will miss his insight and his activism, but will continue to learn from his example.  We wish the Archbishop and his family happiness in the years ahead.



Gibbs Not Ruling Out Taking Over As DNC Chair

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs declined to kill the rumors that he could leave the administration and become the chair of the Democratic National Committee.

When asked specifically if he would rule out taking the position during Monday’s press briefing, Gibbs simply said “I haven’t had any conversations about it.”

Upon being pressed further by reporters, the Secretary responded “I love my job.”

The top spot at the DNC is currently held by former Viriginia Governor Tim Kaine.


White House Unsure If Obama Will Campaign For Rahm

White House Press Secretary Robert Gibbs told reporters Friday that it has not been determined if President Obama will assist outgoing Chief of Staff Rahm Emanuel’s mayoral bid.

“I have no information on political endorsements,” Gibbs said, but added that the President holds Emanuel in high esteem.

Obama will be in Illinois next week to campaign for Senate hopeful Alexi Giannoulias.