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Entries by Geoff Holtzman (251)


GOP Opposition To Omnibus Is Hypocritical, Says Reid Spokesman

Jim Manley, a top aide to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.), released a statement on Tuesday evening attacking Republicans for voicing displeasure with a Senate bill that would fund the government through the end of the 2011 fiscal year.

In his statement, Manley raised objections to the way in which Republicans have taken issue with various earmarks embedded within the roughly $1 trillion legislation.

“Supposedly outraged Senate Republicans must have forgotten that spending requests have been online for six months, that this bill was put together in bipartisan fashion, and that government-directed spending has decreased by 75 percent since Democrats took control of the Senate,” Manley said.

“They also must have forgotten that it was Democrats who put a stop to the earmark abuse that festered while Republicans controlled the White House and Congress for six years. But I’m sure they won’t hesitate to claim credit for earmarks in their own states, attending as many ground-breaking and ribbon-cutting ceremonies as they can. Their hypocrisy knows no bounds.”


Washington Mourns Holbrooke's Passing

Following the news of longtime American diplomat Richard Holbrooke’s death on Monday, President Barack Obama released a lengthy statement, praising the decorated 69-year-old for his efforts to preserve the nation’s strength and safety.

“He was a truly unique figure who will be remembered for his tireless diplomacy, love of country, and pursuit of peace,” the president said. “The United States is safer and the world is more secure because of the half century of patriotic service of Ambassador Richard Holbrooke.”

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton also issued a statement casting Holbrooke as one of the country’s “fiercest champions and most dedicated public servants.”

“Richard Holbrooke served the country he loved for nearly half a century, representing the United States in far-flung war-zones and high-level peace talks, always with distinctive brilliance and unmatched determination,” Clinton said. “He was one of a kind — a true statesman — and that makes his passing all the more painful.”

Vice President Joe Biden said the news of his friend passing made him extremely sad.

“Today, I lost a great friend and America lost one of its greatest warriors for peace. Richard Holbrooke was a larger than life figure, who through his brilliance, determination and sheer force of will helped bend the curve of history in the direction of progress. He touched so many lives and helped save countless more. He was a tireless negotiator, a relentless advocate for American interests, and the most talented diplomat we’ve had in a generation. Jill and I will miss him tremendously and we extend our deepest sympathies to his wife Kati and the entire Holbrooke family during their time of grief.”

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) also put out a statement, calling Holbrooke a leader of U.S. foreign policy.

“Ambassador Holbrooke dedicated his life to keeping America safe through tough, sensible diplomacy,” Reid said. “I will miss Ambassador Holbrooke’s friendship and counsel, and our nation will miss his tireless leadership and steady guidance of our foreign policy.”


House Republican Behind Healthcare Repeal Movement Pounces On Ruling

One of the most well-known conservatives in the House put out a statement on Monday urging the next Congress to repeal President Obama’s landmark healthcare reform law.

Virginia District Judge Henry Hudson’s ruling that a provision within the law that will require individuals to purchase health insurance beginning in 2014 violates the constitution, means that the law should be legislatively repealed.

“ObamaCare’s ‘individual mandate’ always rested on the absurd premise that the Commerce Clause empowered the federal government to regulate Americans’ decisions not to engage in commercial activity,” King stated. “Adoption of such an argument would have vested the federal government with the power to regulate virtually every aspect of Americans’ lives, and Judge Hudson remained true to the Constitution by rejecting this argument and striking the individual mandate down.”

Fellow conservative Mike Pence (R-Ind.) agreed with King’s assertion that the law should be wiped off the books.

“Now that a federal judge has shown the individual mandate in ObamaCare to be unconstitutional, it’s time to repeal it lock, stock and barrel.”


Obama To Senate: Keep Fighting To Repeal DADT

President Barack Obama released the following statement after the Senate failed to reach the 60 votes necessary to begin debate on this year’s defense spending bill, which includes a repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy:

“I am extremely disappointed that yet another filibuster has prevented the Senate from moving forward with the National Defense Authorization Act.  Despite having the bipartisan support of a clear majority of Senators, a minority of Senators are standing in the way of the funding upon which our troops, veterans and military families depend. This annual bill has been enacted each of the past 48 years, and our armed forces deserve nothing less this year.”

“A minority of Senators were willing to block this important legislation largely because they oppose the repeal of ‘Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell.’  As Commander in Chief, I have pledged to repeal this discriminatory law, a step supported by the Secretary of Defense and the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, and informed by a comprehensive study that shows overwhelming majorities of our armed forces are prepared to serve with Americans who are openly gay or lesbian.  A great majority of the American people agree.  This law weakens our national security, diminishes our military readiness, and violates fundamental American principles of fairness, integrity and equality.”

“I want to thank Majority Leader Reid, Armed Services Committee Chairman Levin, and Senators Lieberman and Collins for all the work they have done on this bill.  While today’s vote was disappointing, it must not be the end of our efforts.  I urge the Senate to revisit these important issues during the lame duck session.”


House Votes To Send 'Doc Fix' Bill To President

Only two House lawmakers voted on Thursday against a bill that continues the current rate at which physicians who accept Medicare are reimbursed.

By a 409-2 tally, the House passed the so-called ‘Doc Fix,’ thereby staving off a 25% cut in payments to physicians that would’ve gone into effect on January 1 minus congressional action.

Following the vote, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer (D-Md.) said he supported the roughly $19.2 billion one-year extension, but called on lawmakers to work out a long-term solution to the Medicare reimbursement formula.

“While this legislation will provide seniors with the security of continued access to the physician of their choice and our physicians with at least one full year of SGR relief, this remains a long-term problem that requires a permanent solution.”

With the Senate having passed its version of the bill last week, the legislation will head directly to President Obama’s desk for his signature.

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