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House Republican Behind Healthcare Repeal Movement Pounces On Ruling

One of the most well-known conservatives in the House put out a statement on Monday urging the next Congress to repeal President Obama’s landmark healthcare reform law.

Virginia District Judge Henry Hudson’s ruling that a provision within the law that will require individuals to purchase health insurance beginning in 2014 violates the constitution, means that the law should be legislatively repealed.

“ObamaCare’s ‘individual mandate’ always rested on the absurd premise that the Commerce Clause empowered the federal government to regulate Americans’ decisions not to engage in commercial activity,” King stated. “Adoption of such an argument would have vested the federal government with the power to regulate virtually every aspect of Americans’ lives, and Judge Hudson remained true to the Constitution by rejecting this argument and striking the individual mandate down.”

Fellow conservative Mike Pence (R-Ind.) agreed with King’s assertion that the law should be wiped off the books.

“Now that a federal judge has shown the individual mandate in ObamaCare to be unconstitutional, it’s time to repeal it lock, stock and barrel.”

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