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Entries by Geoff Holtzman (251)


Watchdog Group Condemns Scalia Over Speaking Engagement

The Alliance for Justice, a legal watchdog group based in Washington, DC, blasted Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia on Thursday for accepting an invitation from conservative Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-Minn.) to speak at a closed-door gathering later this month.

According to the Los Angeles Times, Scalia agreed to speak to incoming House members about the Constitution. In response to concerns that the event would be a way for the legislative and judicial branches to scheme of ways to combat the Democratic White House, Bachmann’s office told the newspaper that both Democrats and Republicans were invited to attend. A Supreme Court spokesman added that the meeting would be “bipartisan” and “open to all members of Congress.”

Nonetheless, Alliance for Justice President Nan Aron called Bachmann an “extremist,” and said Scalia’s appearance at the event “threaten[s] the integrity of the federal judiciary.”

“Justice Scalia should protect the integrity of the Court and cancel his appearance at this blatantly partisan, right-wing event.”

In its report, the Times noted that it is not unprecedented for sitting Justices to meet with lawmakers.


Sebelius Implores GOP To Ditch Healthcare Repeal Effort

Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen has a simple message for the new House Republican majority: Don’t repeal healthcare reform.

In an op-ed published in today’s Chicago Tribune, Sebelius, the woman tasked with overseeing implementation of the new law, pleaded with Republicans to not overturn key provisions of the new law.

“Repeal would slam the brakes on this progress, taking control away from families and their doctors and putting it back in the hands of insurance companies,” Sebelius wrote.

“I can’t think of a worse idea for American families.”

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Report: Gibbs To Leave White House

The Washington Post is reporting that White House press secretary Robert Gibbs is planning on stepping down from his position.

Gibbs allegedly told White House staffers this morning of his plans to leave his job. He has worked for President Obama since 2004, back when the president was a U.S. Senator from Illinois, and has been Obama’s chief spokesman since he was sworn into office in January of 2009.

There is speculation that Gibbs, 39, might start his own consulting firm and could assist the president in his 2012 reelection campaign. Gibbs’ departure could be the beginning of a major personnel overhaul at the White House in the weeks to come.

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Reid Spokesman Chides GOP Over Lame Duck Strategy

Republican attempts to “run out the clock” during the current lame-duck session of Congress failed miserably, said a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) on Wednesday.

“Any time Congress is able to boost middle class families and protect our national security like we did this session, we Democrats call it a success. But Republicans’ idea of success would have been to shut down the government altogether, denying Social Security checks to seniors, benefits to veterans and funding to border security,” said Rodell Mollineau.

“Republicans are previewing an arrogant, reckless agenda for 2011 that is more focused on playing political games than common-sense problem solving,” the spokesman added.


Gilibrand: Senate Should Stay In Session Until DADT Is Repealed

Sen. Kirsten Gilibrand (D-N.Y.) writes in today’s Huffington Post that her chamber should remain on Capitol Hill for as long as it takes to pass a repeal of the military’s “Don’t Ask Don’t Tell” policy.

“We are at the doorstep of history and we can’t let this moment pass,” Gilibrand says. “The House has now passed the standalone “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” repeal bill…the Senate must get it done and we must stay in session until we do.”

The freshman Democrat, a fierce advocate of doing away with the policy, which became law in 1993, says she believes enough votes exist to overturn DADT during the final days of the current lame-duck session.

“The Senate standalone repeal bill has 47 co-sponsors and I believe we have the 60 votes we’ll need to overcome a Republican filibuster.”

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