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UN Security Council Welcomes Bin Laden Death

The United Nations Security Council issued a statement late this afternoon, welcoming Osama Bin Laden’s death and calling on member states to increase cooperation in their fight against terrorism. 

 French Ambassador Gerrard Araud, whose country holds the presidency of the Security Council for the month of May, read the statement of behalf members in a special open session, reiterating the international community’s condemnation of Bin Laden and Al Qaeda attacks on innocent civilians around the world. 

 “The Security Council welcomes the news on May 1st 2011, that Osama Bin Laden will never be able to perpetrate such acts of terrorism. “ read Araud.

 “The Security Council recognizes this critical development and other accomplishments  made in the fight against terrorism and urges all states to remain vigilant  and intensify their efforts in the fight against terrorism.”

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